Thinning Hair...

Hey everyone. Sorry if this has been posted before but I was wondering if anyone has experienced thinning hair on the raw food diet?

My case isn’t severe but I can certainly see it happening. Here is my story thus far with going raw. I had severe cystic acne in the beginning. I mean BAD. I still have a little bit but for the most part it is gone completely. I started going raw in September of ‘07 and was 100% for 2 months. Afterwards I did incorporate some cooked foods (tho very few) as an experiment. I’m now 100% again. In the beginning, I had a rash on my body (chest area) that I’ve had most of my adult life that came back in full force when I went raw. It is basically cleared up now.

So my question is … would the hair loss be detox? My nails grow like crazy now that I’m on the raw food diet and no longer have those white discolorations on them, therefore I don’t think I’m deficient in anything. I will be seeing my naturopath about it, but I also wanted to see everyone elses opinions. Thanks! :)

P.S. THICK hair runs in my family. My grandfather on my mother’s side passed away with a full head of white hair.


  • michigan romanmichigan roman Raw Master

    ive seen alot of raw foodist say their hairs thinned up til like year 2 then it fills back in better . ide suggest going to (once there click on 30 day challenge to get to forums) and search the archives on the topic because i know hundreds of threads have came up on it over the past several years and people have found ways to lessen it or quicken the i guess detox process .

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