
Does kale need deveined everytime you use it? Or only for certain recipes…and is it bad to strain my green smoothies? I really hate “chewing” them, but feel that i’m just getting rid of all the good stuff! does anyone know a way to make them not so chunky? I do use a vitamix blender.


  • shgadwashgadwa Raw Newbie

    Do you have one of the newer vitamix blenders or the older ones??? We have one of the older ones with the metal container. It is not that great really. They key is, if your blender is too weak, to first of all, devine your kale or whatever green you are using that has a vine. Then blend your kale with your water first, then add your fruit which blends easier. If you do it right and/ or blend it long enough, it should not be chunky at all buy smooth and yummy. Also, if it is a little bitter, it means you have too much greens and not enough fruit. It is supposed to taste GREAT.

  • shgadwashgadwa Raw Newbie

    vein not vine…Thought something was wrong there.

  • :) i read it vein not vine so don’t worry! and my vitamix is three years old so i don’t know if that counts as an old one or a new one

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