Raw Peanuts?

I had the opportunity to buy some raw peanuts the other day, but I don’t know the best way to prepare them! Do I just soak them overnight in a bowl? Do I leave the bowl on a table or in the fridge? Do I just pop them in my mouth once they are done soaking? Sorry for the questions, it’s a whole new world for me! Thanks!


  • Welcome to the world of raw! I make raw peanut butter by soaking 3 cups my raw wild jungle peanuts overnight, and then dehydrating them overnight. Then blend them to a flour in a vita-mix or food processor and then add some raw nut oil (I used macadamia) keep blending a few seconds. Then, add as much oil as you need to get it like peanut butter (don’t keep blending though, just mix the oil in). Hope this helps!

  • That’s a good idea, but I don’t have a food processor (and my blender is a cheapo $20 model). Can I eat them without making them into a butter?

  • Of course you can! You could use your cheap blender too, probabably.

  • Yumm, I love peanut butter!

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