Digestive enzymes

Does anybody have any experience with those digestive enzyme supplements found in health food stores?


  • I do. I work in a natural foods store [have for a little over two years] and I use and recommend Enzymedica brand. It’s vegan and junk-free. Otherwise Renew Life is a good brand as well. I generally keep an eye out for biles of any kind [generally it’s ox bile] because for some reason they stick that into random things.

    I really like the digest gold from enzymedica. I also use lypo once in a while and candiase at night sometimes if i’ve eaten a lot of fruit that day..

    Enzymes are really important for life. Deficiencies can cause an array of ailments.

  • worleyhimself2worleyhimself2 Raw Newbie

    enzymedica definetly is the best.

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    it’s so hard to say what works. i used them for a stomach ache and i got over it. was it the enzymes, the acidophilous, or just time?

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Um… ox bile? OK, that is really disgusting. Whenever I see some weird, seemingly random ingredient like that I always wonder who THOUGHT of that? I mean really. Ox bile? Who on earth could’ve thought about ox bile and said, “Hm. Sounds like a good thing to put in supplements.” Weird. Oh, and did I say disgusting? Ick. This is why I read labels like an obsessive person in the store. Takes me twice as long to shop, but it’s totally worth it if there are ingredients like ox bile lurking out there. Seriously, I am so grossed out by that.

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