raw/not raw??

Ok, so I bought some oat groats from my natural foods store, soaked about 24 hours, “sprouted” for two days, but never saw any sprouts. seems like they opened up a little bit on their crack (lol)but no tails :( . Soooo, they’re not really raw, right? Also- bought some raw cashews just from the regular bulk section at the store, soaked them about 8 hours or so, let them dry for 24 hours and….. sprouts! so they’re raw, right??


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Someone said they are not raw… but, I’ve heard you can’t sprout oat groats either…

    I used to eat them… just germinating for a day or 2… and put them in a food processor to with other stuff to make oatmeal.

    Cashew sprouts… ?! Wow, great!

  • well, I’m not going to waste them, so I’ll eat what I have. I made some pretty bangin oatmeal out of them. I guess I’m just going to experiment with the differnt items in the bulk section they have and see which ones sprout and which ones don’t. But on Zoe’s deadfood list she says that even cashews that sprout make some raw fooders sick. I’m definatly not to that point yet where I’m that sensitive, so as long as my cashews are sprouting, I’m assuming they’re raw enough for me to eat. Which is good because I love cashews!

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Hmmm. I wonder why sprouted cashews would make some people sick.

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