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Can you dehydrate different things without the flavors contaminating one another? Say, for example, you had something savory like rosemary sweet potato chips on one tray, if you put lemon cookies on another would they turn out funky and smelling/tasing of rosemaried potatoes? I have a crappy old round dehydrator.

Thanks, ~Adria


  • FeeFee Raw Master

    I would guess that with a round dehydrator (I have one too!) the things at the top might get the flavours of the things underneath. Id suggest putting the sweet things at the bottom and the savoury things at the top. But if you wanted your lemon cookies to have a rosemary hint then put them on top!

    Hope this helps. Fee

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    i haven’t had the flavors mix in my excalibur. as long as it doesn’t drip, you might be okay. i can’t give tips on the round dehydrator though.

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    hm… in my excalibur you can put tons of simultaneous flavors w/o a problem. don’t know about the round ones. ????

  • I’ve made onion bread and chocolate macaroons in the dehydrator at the same time without in flavor mixing. I have one of the cheapy round ones too! Now that I think about it, I did put the macaroons on the bottom like Fee suggested.

  • Thanks evrawbody, I’ll try it!

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