Craving for Carbs

I do not have a dehydrater. So my raw diet is mainly consist of fruit , veggies , nuts and seeds. Normally I am happy with what I eat. But there are times, I really crave the texture and taste of carbs, any of them: rice, pasta, flour products etc. I normally eat some cooked rice to east off the cravings, and I do not feel too good about it. Any suggestions on this one? I


  • sprout some quinoa and use it like rice in recipes.. sprout some buckwheat.. sprouting, i think, is the key to solving your problem.. i’ve even seen people on here sprouting rice.. though i havent tried it yet.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    I recommend soaking oat groats for 14 hours. Then blend them in a high speed blender with nut milk, banana. add some cinnamon, raisins, and apple pieces. mm it’s good!

    try salting and eating fresh corn on the cob. it feels heavy and carb loaded to me. ooo – i love the dancing chicken salad recipe on this site. it makes me feel like i’ve had a heavy carb meal. i use more celery and raisins and apples in it, so that it’s not so fatty. and i eat it on apple slices. it’s PERFECTO!

  • i don’t like sprouted grains, unless they are blended into a recipe, and ususally dehydrated. i recommend my sushi recipe, it works for me. also bananas with almond butter, or creamy shake like banana smoothies.

    you can also buy raw bread or order it online.

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