Just curious about adding sweeteners to fruit?

I’m just wondering why so many people like to add sweeteners like agave and honey to recipes that already contain sweet fruits like bananas etc. or even medium sweet fruits or any fruit for that matter. I have seen so many recipes on this site and elsewhere that call for this. It just doesn’t make sense to me that where so many of us have consumed way too much sugar in the past on SAD. This can’t be very health promoting. I can understand maybe doing this for a special dessert but not for just everyday recipes. Does anyone else have any views on this?


  • geniusrawmodel23geniusrawmodel23 Raw Newbie

    Yeah, I don’t get that either. My sister(who’s not really into this) puts honey in her fruit shakes. HONEY!!!! in a FRUIT shake!!!! That is just beyond me, sorry. Maybe it’s like for the transitioning. We are used to the crazy processed sweetness and the fruit by itself is a subtler and more natural sweet, so we need extra sugar to transition over, IDK? I think that after eating raw or mostly raw foods for a while that the need for extra sweetener goes away. So maybe that’s it (if you understood what i said :))

  • roxiroxi Raw Newbie

    I think we add sweetener because we are used to haveing very sweet things to eat. You are right, fruit is already sweet, but I think it is hard to transition from say an ice cream shake to an all raw fruit smoothie. The sweetness is just different. Personally, I have been using less and less agave in my morning smoothie…so I think it is all a personal taste and personal transition. I know that when I put the agave in, I wish I didn’t have to, but I can’t give it up just yet.

  • kevin7197kevin7197 Raw Newbie

    I do agree that once transitioned there is less of a need to add certain ingredients, sweetener included. But to be fair, there is a HUGE difference between processed sugar and natural sweeteners such as agave or honey. To compare would be like comparing apples to oranges, as the old saying goes!

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