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Monsanto Employees Passing GMO Disinformation

MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

Sometime ago I had a conversationw ith my neighbor about the dangers of GMO crops. Her uncle is a biotech engineer for Monsanto. She seemed interested and told me she was going to talk to him about what they did. I saw her today and she told me I had been misinformed about GMO. Her uncle said that GMO is nothing more than human-assisted cross pollination of plants and because the cross pollination changes the genetic coding of the plan it is called GMO. I questioned if she was sure he was a biotech engineer and she confirmed he worked where they GM the plants. I almost fell out.

I asked her if it was possible to cross pollinate a plant with a man-made herbacide so that the herbacide appeared in the plants genes. I asked her if it was possible to cross pollinate a potato with a jelly fish (Marker Potatoes). I got her to agree that if these things had happened her uncle was wrong, and given his job, intentionally deceived her. And if all that is true then – WHY? She agreed so I gave her a piece of paper with some internet search terms on and suggested she do some homework so she could figure out what was really going on out there because if people were being directed to lie about their work then it is probably something that would scare her pants off.

This shouldn’t surprise me, but I am fuming pissed off right now. If this guy does what she says, this has to be a disinformation campaign. No wonder it is hard to get people to understand what is going on. tomorrow morning is the organic farmer’s market and I will spend some time with people whose lightbulbs above their heads actually turn on.


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    In this article, the ‘engineered potato’ is not harvested for food consumption. Just serves as a signal crop. Hmmm, but I wonder if those will cross pollinate with non ‘engineered potatoes’. I know little of GM, how it works… those are the thoughts that just cross my mind.

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    There is always a possibility of GMOs cross pollinating with other plants. That was the big concern when Monsanto started with their terminator seeds, which don’t produce seeds after the harvest. What if they cross pollinate with wild plants and make them sterile as well? Imagine the impact of that. I am sure that and a reduction in biodiversity are part of what motivated Monsanto to build the doomsday seed vault. Round up crops have already been documented to have cross pollinated with weeds, which are now becomming immune to Round Up. This ensures that stronger herbacides and pesticides must be added to our food for those farmers (now the overwhelming majority) who believe you cannot handle these pests organically.

    If potatoes are harvested by hand or machine, it doesn’t mean the marker potatoes are never mistakenly added to the rest of the crop. I bet you some of these marker potatoes are making onto some children’s dinner plate.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Meditating – wow. the propaganda machine extends to employees and their immediate family? That’s frightening. I wonder when people will frackin wake up.

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    WINONA - That is what upsets me to no end. I would have to think that parents at least would be considered about the welfare of their children, but the media keeps this quiet. I recall watching NBC’s Today twice having a segment on organic foods. Both times, they never mentioned GMO as though it didn’t exist. They even said the difference between organic and conventional is pest control and fertilizers. That is not true. I cannot believe that NBCs research department is that lame. It had to be intentional. Also, remember, they like to offer information that scares or panics the public because any provocative or confrontational news drives ratings.

    Now, this little lady, who does a good bit of home gardening herself, thinks I am a nut job because her good old uncle wouldn’t mislead her. I just don’t know how you fight this kind of thing until some ailment of epidemic proportion hits. I just don’t want to wait until that happens but I suspect we aren’t going to have a choice.

  • Meditating -

    Don’t you just love that feeling? The one where people make you feel like you are a “nut job”. (I am being sarcastic, not meant in a bad way.)

    I cannot stand that feeling. Sadly, I believe the fact is most of us are just plain lazy. I am not trying to be cruel, just stating a fact. Most people are too lazy to research information. They would rather take the information given by the media and/or other experts as truth.

    I try to share some information to intrigue people enough that they might actually want to find out more. Like the article I posted about GMO Labeling. I am still stunned by the comments made by the FDA about GMO. Such as…

    1. The U.S. FDA prohibits GM labeling because, as the U.S. Delegate stated

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    SIMPLYRAW - I feel ya.

  • SueSue Raw Newbie

    This is a topic that deserves a great deal more of exposure. Monsanto is a (mega-huge) company that actually tells the public that what it’s doing is “good” for the public. What a crock of shit!!(Pardon my language) Imagine if someone handed you an ear of corn and said, “this is so good for you because it has been genetically modified with a heavy duty weed killer!!” Would you eat it? In the past I have used “Roundup” weed killer because it was the strongest weed killer on the market. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the corn (and soy) that is patented by Monsanto is produced by merging the DNA of the seen with the “Roundup” poison that is used to kill weeds? INSANE

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