Gums, Brains and Greens

Green Smoothies to be precise… just a few questions:

Concentration – do green smoothies aid concentration and help you to focus? I mean immediately and not just over time. Last time I didn’t have a green smoothie for a while and then made one, I felt all focussed mentally. Did this happen or was it just a coincidence? I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience? :)

Gums and mouth health – are green smoothies effective at encouraging gum health? Does anyone have any info on this? :)

Ok I’m done with the questions… for now :P


  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    I don’t know about smoothies, but I would agree on just the greens for healthy gums and clean teeth.

  • As far as I know the overall health of your mouth is related directly to your digestive system/process. In fact we could say that the digestive process starts right in your mouth, chewing food, salivating etc. Few years ago I used to have a not so good oral hygiene then when I started the raw diet along with food combining it started to improve. I recently went to the dentist for a scheduled clean up (I had not gone in 2 yrs), the hygienist was shocked to find out that after such a long time I had not gone, basically, there was no tartar, gums in perfect condition and so on. so to answer to your question green smoothies are great but you must pay attention to your digestions, if you notice that you are having trouble digesting or that you overload your system then you are causing damage somewhere. A trick I learned to find out if your digestion is going well (good and healthy fermentation) or you have a problem (unhealthy fermentation or putrefaction) is to take your pulse, say about an hour after the meal. If your heartbeat exceeds 70 per minute then you are creating toxins, your system is overloaded or is having troubles digesting the foods you ate. Good luck! PS The 70 pulse refers to an adult 15-65 years old. Infants have much higher pulse and seniors tend to have a decresed heartbeat after the age of 65

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    as far as concentration i would say mine is better since being raw and i have 1-2 green smoothies as day.

    i have no idea about the gums but i will see what the dentist says! I have heard that too much fruit is not good for the teeth but i am not sure if the greens negate that.

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