Dehydrating? Can you over do it?

My dehydrator doesn’t have a timer… and I’m finding that if I follow guidelines, I should be stopping my dehydrating either in the middle of the day while I’m at work, or in the middle of the night? Do I have to worry about “overdehydrating”? How do others handle this predicament?


  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    No you don’t have to worry about overdoing it. The only thing to watch is the temperature. As long as it is low enough it will be OK.

    If you are making something like a wrap where you need the wrap to be flexible and you over do it and it won’t wrap it just breaks, then just spray water or pour a little water over it, let it soak in and you’ll have perfect wraps.

    We don’t have a timer on ours, we never worry about letting it go too long. Just let it run and don’t worry about it ;)

  • I was wondering if a maybe person could use one of those plug-in lamp and appliance timers on a dehydrator? That way you could set it to turn the dehydrator off when you need it off. They can be purchased at hardware stores for as low as $10 – $15, I believe. Years ago, when we raised laying hens, we used that kind of timer in our barn to turn a plug in light on and off when the birds were just chicks. Just a thought. :)

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