Stomach pain on 8/10/10?

So I am one week into doing the 80/10/10 diet. This is a pretty extreme change for me, as my diet is usually high green and high fat, and has been for 5 years. I also usually eat more sprouted grains. I decided to try 80/10/10 because I was getting more sensitive to grains and was looking to drop a few vanity pounds. About 3 days into eating a high fruit low fat diet I have had lower stomach pain. I tried to sum it up to an adjustment, but it has continued all throughout the week. My digestion also doesn’t seem nearly as fast as it was. I have been using the nutridiary system and have been having a hard time eating enough calories, although I wont really want more fruit. Any thoughts? I am really confused about what to eat anymore!


  • if you could give an indication of the meals you have been having over the course of the week, it may be easier to see if there is anything immediately obvius…

    keep in mind that any dietary change will take longer than a few days to adapt to

    consider joining the 80/10/10 support group on this forum :o)

    but post a clearer idea of your intake and i’ll have a look :o)

  • yesterday looked something like this, keep in mind I am more of a grazer. It helps keep my metabolism going, so I tend to not have large meals, but small meals throughout the day.

    Breakfast: 2 banana smoothie with berries and greens Snacks: another banana, Lots of local cherries throughout the day and herbal tea made with home grown herbs (chamomile, hops, lavender, clover) Pre Dinner Food: 3 kiwis (probably about 45 mins before dinner) Dinner: Large green salad with red leaf, cucumber, 3 salt free olives, chopped, arugula, pear, about 1 tablespoon ground flax, dressed with the juice of half a lime mixed with a few raspberries. Before bed: more herbal tea

    This is about normal though the fruit may change to plums, apricots or more berries. I have craved kiwi like crazy. I also do green soups for dinner sometimes, using tomatoes,cukes, herbs and a spoonful of avo as the base. Nutridiary says that I require a lot more calories than this, but I really can’t stomach more food than this, so I don’t think I should eat more than my appetite. I wouldn’t care so much about the calorie thing, if it wasn’t for the pain in my tummy.

  • ok…

    well, eating enough calories takes practice…over the course of many years eating dense cooked food our stomachs have shrunk

    it will take a while to regain elasticity

    the idea of grazing is quite flawed in regards to digestive health…you never give your body enough time to process the previous meal and allow for cleansing work if you are constantly interrupting these processes by starting digestion again

    i would also look at the potential food combining issues at your dinner meal for the source of the stomach problems…2 types of fat mixed with pear and raspberries is possibly/probably the culprit

    also eating these berries throughout the day may be conflicting with the teas

    all this herbal tea also leads me to believe that you might be drinking it at times when water would be better…if you absolutely have to have the tea, try to make it less frequent, always on an empty stomach and preferable a few hours after a meal….make sure you are drinking enough plain water to keep the digestion running smoothly

    also your morning smoothie mix could be presenting you with stomach problems…mixing bananas and berries is not a good combination…the bananas and greens will digest well

    if you are going to make a success of 811 , you will need to work to eat more….trusting your appetite is a lofty ideal that will take much time to achieve…we have decieved and perverted our instincts for so long that we often mis-read our signals

    i get the feeling you haven’t read the book….or if you have, maybe not understood or agreed with it….it presents the idea that our bodies expend a certain amount of calories daily just keeping us alive….even at rest, the body expends energy keeping , and regulating, our various systems… the absence of these clories from food, your body will scavenge itself for calories…great if you wanna lose weight, but not good if you want to function at your optimum…burning/metabolising fat to use as the basic sugars that fuel the body is far less efficient and, in itself, more energy draining than taking the sugars from food that is almost already digested (fruit)

    the fact that most water fasters lose a pound a day (after the initial water loss) is evidence of the fact that the body burns this amount of calories a day….a pound of fat equates to 3-3500 calories….so your body is taking your daily requirement (bmr + activity) from your stores…..

    constantly eating a defecit of calories is self-defeating and inefficient in so many ways, not least because this deefecit can bring strong cravings for heavier and fattier foods…combine these with your new love of fruit and your asking for trouble

    remember that activity will create the hunger for calories

    if you’ve read the book, read it again….if you still think that your appetite is right and the calorie thing doesn’t make sense then maybe 811 isn’t for you , right now

    i would also suggest simplifying things in these early stages

    check here for good food combining info and links to good charts…

    i would make a suggestion to spend a week without the herbal tea…it could also contribute, with all the berries and cherries, to acid problems

    try to mono-meal if you can

    try to leave at least 3-4 hours between each meal…this will allow for more complete digestion and also provide the incentive to try eating enough calories to sustain you to the next meal

    drink 1-1.5 litres of water as your 1st input of the day…and keep well hydrated during the day…drink before eating , and no less than 25 minutes after eating…don’t drink during meals….giving the digestive process time to work without diluting your stomach acids will help

    make sure your bananas are ripe…if they aren’t very spotted and you can’t smell ‘em from a block away, they aint ripe and will cause you all sorts of digestive stress

    at dinner time, simplify…if you want some overt fats , chose one type…seeds or olives…and don’t then mix berries and pears with the mix…also , don’t eat fruit after your evenong meal..this will cause fermentation and stomach problems

    the best bit of advice i could give is to do a week of banana mono-mealing…this is how doug often introduces the diet to people

    you are chosing water-rich , high-fibre foods at the moment but your not getting enough calories for the bulk…... a week of bananas and water (seperate, of course) is a great way to simplify and give your digestion a great boost

    you could have a couple of smoothies during the day and have the rest as whole

    you need to find your bmr to give you an idea of how much you should be eating


    consider 4 meals of 4 bananas per day….blend a couple of the meals with water and the other 2 meals eaten whole…allow 3 hours between each meal….drink water in between…that’s about 1600 calories a day, in simple meals

    don’t worry about missing your greens for a week…it won’t be a problem

    for more experienced advice, check here

    you can post without registering and there are many long-term 811’ers along with doug graham, ready to respond to your q’s

    give the book another go…and then go for it

    check the july 811 challenge on this foprum to see other noobs giving it as crack….great little support group if you feel that you agree with the diet in principle, and want to give it a try

    hope this helps


  • your right I havent read the book yet. I am waiting for it to arrive. I just have known the basic concepts, but I didnt know that there were a lot of other guidelines. I haven’t had many food combo issues the last five years I have been raw, but all the raw fat has been making me feel stagnant lately and giving me crazy steamed quinoa cravings. It is scary to think that I have been living for so long on a diet that is only around 1100 calories a day but 40% fat. So in the meantime I am going to just get used to eating a ton of fruit,watch my carb/fat/protein ratio and wait till my book comes to get it right. Although it is hard for me to let go of eating more fruit instead of greens, I am liking the way my brain seems to be funtioning a little clearer than usual. Before I was trying to eat all this fruit, I was getting lots of bouts of spacey head. thanks for your info!

  • the spacey head i quite common when eating fruit while also eating high -fat…you’ll see when reading the link between fat causing sugar uptake/metabolism problems which cause candida blooms and diabetic condition

    most people are unaware that candida cn be cured on a couple of days water fasting and a couple of days just fruit…candida doesn’t live for very long unless it is fed

    enjoy the book and give yourself a chance to adjust and adapt…jump in with the others for support on this forum

    try to simplify to reduce digestion problems

    have a look here in the meantime

    :o) :o)

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