fever-- help!

rawjazzrawjazz Raw Newbie

This fever came on pretty quickly. Now it’s close to 102. I’ve been 100% raw for a couple months now. Should I be worried? I just feel all achy and shivery. Do I just have a bug or should I be worried about a deficiency.


  • Hmm, well, fevers are NORMALLY your body’s self defenses getting up and attacking. Contrary to popular belief, they are actually good for you to endure within a certain range. Naturally heat kills many bad bugs so in order to remove a foreign invader your hypothalmus (I believe) heats you up. With a fever of 102 I wouldn’t personally worry all that much, it’s relatively moderate. I would start upping my intake of water, go light on eating solids, ingest as much natural forms of vitamin C you can handle and see what happens in the next 24 hours or so. And of course if you have any concerns please consult a doctor. There are other herbs and such to help relieve symptoms but for now, letting it run it’s course seems fine unless it gets up to 103 or higher. At that point motrin or tylenol will knock it back down. I usually try to not use them, but with my kids I cave when it gets too high.

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