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I don't know if you already found your answer in the above replies, but I think one major problem is people not getting enough of the right food groups.
From a Harvard study, you should be eating the following things in declining quantity (top=eat the most)
1. grains (rice, wheat, etc.)
2. fruits & vegetables
3. legumes/beans (important in curing hunger)
4. nuts & seeds
5. leaves (lettuce, spinach, etc.)
...well, for sure 1-3 are accurate. I believe you're supposed to eat a lot of greens/leaves, but my mouth/body tells me that I have to eat them in small quantities (they taste very bitter). If I eat too many nuts I also feel sick.
...on second thought, I think the key to eating a good amount of greens is mixing it with nuts & fruit (especially fruit); that way you get a nice bittersweet harmony.
Most crucial to your hunger problems, though, are grains, fruits & vegetables, and legumes/beans.
I'm also assuming that you really are hungry, and you're not confusing 'boredom/anxious-from-inactivity' feelings with 'hunger.' You're hungry if your stomach hurts/growls; if you think you SHOULD be hungry, then you need to get active/get your mind off of obsessing over food.
'hope that helps.
Actually when your stomach growls/hurts it is reducing its expanded state and returning to its original size. True hunger is felt up higher as a dull ache usually between the chest cavity or sometimes higher up near the baseline of the throat.
You may want to try a series of enemas (yea I know the thought of them to a lot of people isn't pleasant) along with a probiotic formula and digestive enzyme first thing in the morning with lemon water. What I like to do is squeeze an entire lemon into a gallon of distilled water while adding a pinch of celtic sea salt for trace minerals and drinking that throughout the day. I even tried an experiment with only consuming that until noon before having any food whatsoever. My energy levels have never been so fantastic! I still do it but only refrain from food until 10am. It seems to be a more balanced approach for me. I am 5'8, 130lbs and can certainly relate with your predicament. I used to eat TONS and TONS of food and never gained an inch. In fact I was always told I was "too skinny." I just turned 28 and started to retain food as body fat as I was practicing 80/10/10 (for over 9 months). Once I restricted my intake of fruit to 2-3 servings a day and upped my fat content WAY up, the fat on my body has begun to melt away. Very odd indeed- proof that no one body is alike and our nutrient/food requirements are as different as our facial features and body shape. Coconut oil is great; however, I suggest getting a more balanced consumption of your EFAs. Try supplementing a tablespoon or two (20-30% or possibly even 40% of your calories from fat is probably an ideal amount for your body type as you closely mimic myself and you are female... your fat requirement most definitely should surpass that of a male) of the "Vega" essential 3-6-9 EFA oil blend by Brendan Brazier. It contains pumpkin oil, hemp oil, coconut oil, and a few others that skip me at the moment to keep that balance in check.
If you can find the time, try walking for 3 miles or so a day and perhaps rebounding to get the body moving and the cells bouncing around to help with any possible absorption issues. It sounds simple, but it works and you should notice a decrease in appetite when your body is in motion. If you suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome, the probiotic/digestive enzyme every morning and nightly enemas (about two hours after your last meal before bed) will GREATLY aid this issue. I took antibiotics nearly my entire life for acne and these two things have all but completely eliminated my LGS symptoms.
I wish you the absolute best and I hope this advice helps you at some point.
The best in health,
I found I get this awful ravenous hunger when I either eat:
a) too much sugar early in the day or
b) something that triggers Candida
I normally eat energy soup and a salad as my first 2 meals, both of which are mainly greens. (I was raised on tons of leafy greens so I think I may be comparatively good at digesting them compared to some other people). My sugar levels stay low. I eat berries and dates between 1-3. Berries are lower in sugar and dates are high in fiber so all the sugar isn't digested at once.
Bananas and other starchy foods trigger Candida which make me want to binge and binge.
I always gain weight when I eat lots of fats. But I don't really want to gain weight so I don't eat them, plus they make me feel sluggish.
I am sorry you are always hungry. I think stabilizing your blood sugar levels by eating more greens would help.
Awwe, I feel bad for you!! 100 lb. seems really light for your height. I could see a slim/thin 5'2 person being 100! I have no offers of help, though. Just hugs.
I was going to suggest thryoid as well, sounds like it (and would also give the anxiety and jittery energy feeling - I've been there when on too many meds for hypo). If you do get tested, make sure they test for more than TSH because that really never tells the full story. Free T4, T3 and antibodies could give a good baseline to see what's going on. If you have an already fast metabolism and eat lots of coconut oil/iodine products like seaveggies it could be making you hyper. Lol, which is exactly why has someone that's been hypothryoid with other issues for so long is now including them in my diet to help me. Other than that, perhaps you are missing even if you eat your body hasn't been satisfied for what it's craving yet.