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According to Ann Whigmore, a shot a day is good enough. 2 or three shots a day if you really wanna kick some butt. I myself would probably do 2. Also, it is recommended to take 2 days off a week. I think this is totally reasonable.
Hi Carnap,
It is good to start with one ounce a day because if you go too fast you could develop an aversion to it. Ann Wigmore recommended up to 2 ounces a day if you were not sick, as a maintenance dose.
Athletes I know take up to 8 ounces a day but they have worked up to that amount.
And people with cancer take a lot, sometimes in enemas if they can't take enough by mouth.
So let your system get used to it gradually. I have known many people who jumped in too fast and got so they couldn't stand the sight or smell of it.
BTW you are not supposed to grow it back more than once. A lot of the goodness is in the first growth and subsequent growths are not as nutritious.
What is one and two ounces in millilitres, if you know, anyone?
If not, thank you both so much. I will keep these suggestions in mind.
Check out this link,, for easy conversioning.
Thanks Bluedolphin! This will come in handy.
Yes, thank you!