Solar dehydrating and other 'simple' ways?

I love to be 'simple' in food prep and like to use as little tools as possible. Does anyone have any experience with solar dehydrating for simple creations and what can I do with mortar/pestle in regards to raw food prepping..besides the obvious, herbs? We have the most basic, simple tools and live in harmony with nature as much as to hear your ideas....especially child friendly, time saving ones;)


  • emtpdmomemtpdmom Raw Newbie

    Try an Advanced Search for solar dehydrators. I know someone discussed this back sometime last year. I've also done a search online for solar dehydrating and seen some interesting ideas. You don't say in what part of Mexico you live, but if it's warm enough, you can dehydrate outside. Check online for some ideas. And hopefully someone with experience will post more specific suggestions here for you. Here are a few ideas I came across today. I'm sure there are plenty of other ideas and plans out there.

    Nagev posted on another thread: " . . . Just put what you want to make on a baking tray and some parchment and set it out in the sun early on a sunny morning. Bugs never bothered the food and it dries in one or two sunny days. Last week I made flax bread that was about 1/2 inch thinck and it took two days of partial sun. Try it out!"

    This thread has some interesting ideas:

    Here's an Internet link:

    I love the idea of living in total harmony with nature. As you come up with ideas, please do share.

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    My people grew tomatoes in the old country (Italy) and they sun-dried them, but they were careful to bring everything indoors at sunset because any overnight/morning dew would ruin the crop.

  • Thank you both for sharing. I will check out these links. I have seen some great dehydrators to make but resources are a bit limited here. I am in the Yucatan on the coast. The main concern here is bugs..ants especially. They are inside and out and when they find food....whew, they spread the word;)

    My friend had a great one that was enclosed and had shelves that she purchased from an Amish country...if I could get t hat here would be great!

    Love sun dried tomatoes and they are one thing i have dehydrated in an electric the idea and that your people as you share brought them in from the dew is a wise thing..thanks for sharing that! Going to give this a go. there are a ton of tomatoes in front of me right now. Did they lay them on trays or?

  • emtpdmomemtpdmom Raw Newbie

    Naturemama, there are several threads that discuss repelling ants. I found this one particularly interesting. Water is an excellent ant barrier. If you're going to dehydrate on a table or other surface that has legs, try putting the legs in containers of water. This should work for any of the crawling insects. An Advanced Search for ants (Forum) will get you to some additional information.

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    Yes, large trays - probably aluminum, which we wouldn't use today - what did they know?

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