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Hahaha Hi Carnap...glad to see you're not mad at me throwing my two cents at you. Majority of people that know me say I am insightful-- I tend to think I am somewhat over-analytical LOL I find myself going deeper into what people are really trying to convey..I sometimes annoy myself with that believe me.
You just seem to be reaching out here which is good, but I don't think you were feeling free enough maybe even safe enough to say or possibly even admit what you are truly feeling. I've wriiten this on a few threads because I feel its true...."If you reach your hand out someone will always be there to take it. You are not alone". Carnap you are the beautiful being you are meant to be. Trust yourself, you already have all the answers within yourself.
Hey VeganSquared where do you live? There has to be some veggie girls in your area!! Do you get involved in local veg functions...or be adventurous and take a raw fu non-cooking class or something I'm sure you can meet someone. I love a man that can prepare a tasty meal!! You are quite handsome and I'm sure your inner raw glow will attract the perfect match for you. Don't feel bad, your ex was like most people in mainstream America...ignorantly bliss. They are part of the herd being led with blinders on and no desire to even try a different way. Thankfully more and more people are becoming aware and seeking to find truth and inner peace. It seems like a slow transition but at least we are evolving. Best of luck to you! Maybe that is your calling...Raw food social gatherings of some kind. Send me an invitation haha
Peace & abundance to all
vegansquared, I don't pity you! In my experience vegan women are easier to find than vegan men. I'm too new to raw to be able to comment on that, but I think vegans would be much more open to raw than omnis.
Apparently the raw men and women hang out online, b/c that's the only place I find them ;)
Raw and SINGLE men are very rare. I didn't bother finding one. Another option is to find a partner open to eating mostly raw.
Carnap: I feel you've been ready to leave this relationship for some time now - based on a lot of your recent comments. I send you hugs...and wish you a safe, positive exit.
Glamazon: what you say is true (most people are ignorant, why should he change, etc.) but the real question is, why should Carnap put up with it? There's no reason I can think of.
Vegansquared: welcome! No one as handsome and cool as you should be lonely. Mark my words, we WILL fix you up. Where do you live?
Thank you Suasoria. Yes, and it is just odd for someone very serious to be with someone who only likes funny videos (not that that's bad). Makes for some frustrating conversations, to say the least.
But the good parts always keep people in incompatible relationships way too long.
I hear what you are saying. I love enjoy eating a meal with my family. I work full time and go to school. I have two children and a husband that eat SAD. I have been eating 100% live food for 7 months. I am blessed because we can eat dinner together six nights a week. Because of my busy schedule I have to be prepared. Not only for my meals but for my family as well. I usually decide on Saturday what everyone is going to eat for the week. My meals will be some version of theirs. If I make them pasta. I will make a live version with zuccini. If they have taco's I will make a spinach tortilla and stuff it with a cilantro lime nut filling and avacado. When they eat steak, I marinade a portabello. It is great because we can all sit down and enjoy a meal together without the focus being on the food. The key is being organized. I put my list together on Saturday and then go grocery shopping. If I need to soak or sprout I will usually do that on Saturday. On Sunday I dehydrate and get everything ready for the week. I find when I am prepared it is easier for me to stay raw. I also notice my family eats better, my grocery bill is less and food is not wasted. Good Luck! It is nice that your boyfriend is willing to try things and be supportive. Who knows maybe someday he will go raw with you.
LOL. I'm in California, originally from Humboldt where there was no shortage of veggie/vegan women. But now I'm in Sacramento and they are scarce. What's your suggestion?
I know a lot of guys at work are into the protein drinks, and some guys might like this, and it would at least have them eating some raw.
This would probably work better for somebody that works out, and then you can make it for him after he is done his workout:
3 Bananas
6-8 strawberries
2 tbls cacao
2-4 tbls raw hemp seed
1 cup water
Blend it up and tell him it is a high protein drink with 20-30 grams of protein in it.
rawcanadian, this sounds sooo yummy. I'd try this for myself, lol. Has it really 20 to 30 grams of protein in it?
Ya to reach that number you would need about 4 Tbls of hemp seed:
3 bananas = 3grams
2 tbls cacao = 1 gram
strawberries = 1 gram
hemp seed 4 tbls = 22 grams
total = 27 grams
I think that those of us who live a raw lifestyle find it difficult to mingle in mainstream society; that goes for men as well as women. I find it difficult to eat in restaurants, etc. because the only salads they offer are boring non-organic ones that taste like cardboard.
I've been hoping to meet a raw vegan man, and I've joined a local group hoping to connect with a larger community of people into raw vegan food. You might want to try finding a local raw vegan group
By the way, I'm in California too... near SF.
Ok littlegems then you and vegansquared should meet up! If you know of a raw function in your area maybe you could both go together. Say have you been to PA~RAW~DISE Restaurant? It's Rawbryan's place. Heard it is deeeeelish!!
vegansquared, I was born and raised in CA...I'm surprised you haven't met veg girls in Sac. Try the link
and maybe cruise by the Sac Natural Foods Co-op on Alhambra Blvd. In my opinion there are way more veg/raw ladies than men. So you are quite the commodity.
Well GL to all.
LOL glamazon! hey, I'm up for it if you are vegansquared! my email is
sorry for hijacking this thread though.
Teehee, littlegems you're precious. I hope you and vegansquared enjoy your outing!!
Back to the question of what to feed the partner - rawcanadian has a great suggestion. I could recommend substituting raw nuts or seeds for roasted peanut butter.
I have been making fresh citrus juices - those have gone over well.
Ahhhhhh that's what Im talkin' bot!! Happy & healthy people hooking up-->spreading the love luv. Hey raw people are better at everything no?? Have more stamina and endurance, most are kinder and show their emotions...definitely smell better---must taste better too! And NOT like chicken LOL ah-hemmm back to the topic *in my serious voice*
As for feeding the non raw types...maybe break them in with vegan alts first then slowly transition them to the raw varieties. It definitely makes for a challenging situation when your partner is not OPEN to at least trying new foods. Food and water nourishes the body much like love and acceptance nourishes relationships. I would ask them what they are willing to try...the answer might surprise you. Including them in new adventures is sometimes just the nudge they need to get more involved and informed. Could be fun. If they are like my hubby--could be tragic disaster in the kitchen but whats a little extra clean-up time LOL
Peace always
I made Matthew Kenny's Chocolate Hazelnut Torte for my boyfriend. He loved it!!
Glamazon - yes we smell better and taste better, lol. Vegan alternatives is a good idea. Taking the partner to vegan or raw restaurants is another good way to get them hooked on tasty food. Smoothies and juices are a good thing that non-raw people are used to.
you're right - ask the guy what he's willing to try. Browse a raw cookbook together so that he can be in control of what he chooses to sample.
I always say - you can try it, and i'll happily finish it if you don't want it - no pressure.
"I think that those of us who live a raw lifestyle find it difficult to mingle in mainstream society"
No kidding, littlegems. My classmate here in France just asked me if I had a hard time eating French food (being American) and I just said, 'well, I'm vegan'. When I had to explain what it was he burst out laughing and preceded to tell all the surrounding people. I didn't even mention raw.
We should all try to go to environmentalist gatherings as much as possible to socialize with people like us.
I live with my non raw boyfriend along with our roommate who is also a meat eater. I am just getting back to eating raw again although it is not in my interest to be 100%. I find it to be too time consuming and it alienates me from my friends and family...with that being said, in the beginning, trying to be high raw, I did find it very difficult, but I have now found a nice balance. I used to cook most of the meals but now I would like for both of them to be more indepedant and not so reliant on me for food!
Interesting point Carnap makes about environmental groups -- I meet very few environmental activists who are vegan or even vegetarian. There's a huge disconnect still.
I've never had trouble interacting with people, but I try to be approachable and funny. People find me interesting and unique; they notice how healthy I look and how happy I am; they are curious about me.
My boyfriend is the best man (for me) the world in my eyes. I'm so compatible with him. He's not raw or vegan.
I do feel conflicted about this but I am the one who changed so I wont stop shopping and cooking meat, etc. for the others in my life. I really do wish I could just stop tho. Pretty hypocritical of me to support the factory farms.
Just make your own raw pasta and sauce, which is quick and easy, then sit down and have dinner together! Some zucchini noodles, fresh basil and fresh can't beat that with processed dead food.
That's what I do, lauraj. I basically think I eat really well, just fussin' about the 'less healthy' choices I'm also preparing. Not too much sitting down together either but thats another issue. Thanks for the support :)