Is there a way to make truly raw kombucha?

I'm interested in making kombucha, but it bugs me that you have to heat up water in order to steep the tea.

I'm currently transitioning to raw. I'm going to go raw on 1-1-10.

I know after researching that you can use raw sugar or agave (I don't use honey) instead of refined sugar. But is there a way to make it truly raw?

I'm sort of obsessive compulsive and if I'm going to go raw I don't really want to heat up water on the stove. I'm don't know. I'm torn I guess. It's not raw, but it is living. I want to be raw, but I also want kombucha.


  • have_merseyhave_mersey Raw Newbie

    Tea itself is not raw...though you could try it with herbs, you have to make sure that they are not high in oils. The bacteria feed off of regular sugar best. Whatever they don't eat is converted to good sugars.

    The point of eating raw is to know you are getting nutrition and the fullest benefits from your food. With kombucha I feel that I am, regardless of the fact that the tea is steamed and fermented, and the sugar is probably heat-treated. The after-product is what matters..what it becomes. :) I assure you the benefits outweigh any of your worries.

    I was the same as you when I started out, I got really obsessive and started sun-brewing tea, until it occured to me that I was drinking steamed-fermented tea-leaves! haha But I think even just the tea without the scoby (sans the sugar), is good enough for ME, to drink and not worry about. Everyone has their path, and each human body is different, what you will, so long as it makes you healthy and happy. :)

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    Not wanting to boil water because you want to be raw strikes me as incredibly silly. What nutrients would be lost from heating water?

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