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Trying to be more raw, but trouble sticking to it

I have a major sweet tooth and love sourdough bread. If I eat some SAD dessert, like my daughter's friend's birthday party yesterday, then all will power leaves me and I chowed down on bad food all night until I was stuffed. I have this habit of eating until I feel totally full. That is why I am overweight. I feel like I need to go 100% for 30 days or so to get sugar out of my life. I did a candida cleanse about a year ago and had no sugar except fruit sugar and was able to avoid cheating for 3 months. Currently I have been trying to be about 50% or more RAW. I have tried to have a relaxed raw diet of eating raw food as much as possible, but eating regular food if going out to a restaurant or friend's house. I have RAW a couple of years ago and always had raw food with me, but stopped when I got pneumonia and had no energy to make a smoothie. I just made a sandwich or had a bowl of cereal. I never went back to RAW. My husband does not believe that being 100% is important. He is not RAW, but eats a lot of produce. He eats cooked vegetables as well as salads. I was always the one eating all bread and cheese. I have never been really into meat. So I do not miss meat. I also have no cravings for soda anymore. I eat cheese is small amounts, but cannot find any raw bread that I like. I am making raw crackers in my dehydrator now, so I hope they are good. I have not liked any sprouted grains. I love nuts, so have made some raw cookies that are good. Thank you for reading.


  • eechoeecho Raw Newbie

    Welcome. If you put your mind to it, you can do it.

  • I'd def recommend getting back to having at least one green smoothie (a quart is best...or more) every day to control cravings better and to add whole nutrition, vitamins and minerals along with the protein found in greens. I know when I drink one each day my cravings for cooked sweets go way down and I salivate over raw fruits and veggies later that evening... and I just feel much more satisfied, too... oh and clearer minded, less bothered by things... and better energy. :) Lots to love about them. I'd recommend Victoria Boutenko's "Green For Life" if you haven't already read it, too. Start with the smoothies and see if you don't naturally and easily start craving more raw foods and incorporating more and more into your days. Good luck!

  • susan121susan121 Raw Newbie

    Good job getting rid of the soda! That's a huge step in itself! :)

    I'm not sure what advice to give on how to stick to something... I'd say it's all about pain/pleasure. To stick with raw, you just need to associate it with something pleasurable (like being healthy, being thin, having a clear mind, having great skin, not being sick or feeling ill, and the big one NO MENSTRUAL CRAMPS!) and associate the pain of having to experience the negative side of all these things to unhealthy eating habits.

    So, when you go to grab a slice of pizza, think about all the pain it could potentially cause you. And when you grab, say, a slice of watermelon think of how it will nourish your body and make your skin glow! This has been my method for sticking to raw, and it has worked well for me.

  • Jenthor,

    I understand your hangup with cheese and bread- those are my binge foods too:-) For me (and it hasn't worked perfectly, but I feel I'm greatly improving) is to feed my body first. Eat that big salad, the big bowl of fruit. If you still want the bread afterwards- then have it. But feed your body first.

    This doesn't work for everyone. Many here, it seems all raw and only raw kills their cravings. For me, it just seemed to make them worse. It may be a mental thing? Anyways. Usually if I fill up on good for me food, the cravings go away. If not, I try to only have homemade stuff- not little debbie snacks, american cheese and wonder bread.

    For me, that seems to help. Feeling guilty, or trying to go on will power doesn't seem to last but a few weeks- then a BIG binge follows.

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