Raw for three months?

Hello, all!

I'm challenging myself to maintain a raw, vegan diet for at least the next 3 months. I feel the need to eliminate processed foods from my diet and to get a better grip on my eating habits in general. I was vegan for almost 2 years, then began eating cheese, eggs, and even the occasional piece of meat again. I'm not happy with this turn of events, and feel I'm in a place where I can gain control and put things back in balance. My motivation this time is that my fianc


  • KittyKitty Raw Newbie

    Congratulations on 'tying the knot' :) You're going to feel so great after 3 months, you'll never even want to look back!

  • I'm not sure what your looking for support-wise or what your level of commitment might be but there is a Raw Foods Rehab Initiative (11 weeks long) that's starting up on Saturday. It sounds like it might fit in with your timeline and would get you so additional support. If you're looking for even more motivation there is 'The Vault 2.0' on the same site, where you post your weight, measurements, etc to other Vault members (for those struggling to be accountable to themselves..)


  • Hi fauxsisticated, congrats on the handfasting!

    All the best for your raw journey! Do take photos now and after the three months, you'll be amazed by the difference!

    Are you aiming for (almost) 100% raw?

  • We are doing a 100 day raw food challenge with daily videos being uploaded to youtube. It'd be great if you could give tips or advice you may have with your own challenge?


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