New in here and curious (weight loss)

Has anyone experienced a serious weight loss when switching to a raw diet. I am already thin enough and want to maintain my weight (5’1.5”, 111-113lbs, 19-20.5% body fat). I’d like to build muscle and maintain my weight. Every time I eat raw, I tend to lose weight, even if I’m eating 3-4 avocados a day (yes, I’ve done this) with raw peanut butter and green apples, and a variety of other veggies throughout the day, as well as raw nuts (almonds, etc…just read now that raw almonds are illegal now?)..

Ok, so the question is that I don’t want to lose weight, does anyone know what type of routine of food I would need to maintain??

I work out a lot to build more muscle, but I'm at a size that I'm pleased with.

I don’t plan on going completely raw again until I get this figured out. I have pretty big bone structure for being so small (my hands and feet are as big as my fiance’s, and he’s 5’10”). Ok, so there you have it. Also, my rib cage is huge, so it protrudes very obviously if I lose more weight than I’ve lost so far.

Right now, I’ve lost about 8 pounds over two-three weeks (way too quick to be really “healthy”) but it was due to eating more raw, consuming green tea for ages prior, and cutting down on too many sugars (I still consume a reasonable/incredible amt of long as they aren’t combined with sugars, i tend not to gain weight at all)

Ok, thanks for any responses in advance _^

Thank you ^_


  • Greens, greens, and more greens. Think of a 400 pound gorilla.

  • Do you ever eat the sprouted garbanzo hummus? I’m thinking if you could eat peas, cauliflower, broccoli, yam chips, or bananas that that would help. What do you normally eat for breakfast? I have heard green tea can help you lose weight so maybe you should go with something else. Is it possible you have an over active thyroid?

  • I’ve been trying this raw diet out for about a month now and I’ve lost 22 lbs. But I NEED to lose weight! I just sorta stumble into it and LOVED it. So I can’t help you with maintaining it, but I’d like to know how you go with maintenance…I’m a long way off from that, but eventually I’ll have to learn how to maintain…

  • stylistchickstylistchick Raw Newbie

    i wish i had that problem! i’ve lost maybe 10 in 7 weeks.

    i would say eat lots of nuts, bananas (like all the time:) and avocados, coconut, also corn because its so high in carbs. and sprouted wild rice for the carbs, sprouted grain bread and crackers. basically just eat all day long :) sounds good to me. and load up on “larabars” they are decadent

    i would think that greens would make you lose weight.

  • Tessa, What foods are you eating to lose so much weight? I keep hearing different things. I’d like to lose 30 lbs and some people say eat whatever as long as it is raw and others say cut out nuts and oils totally-but I think that would make it really hard to maintain and feel satisfied for me. I can;t seem to find a happy balance. So, curious as to what you are doing….

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie


    you want to maintain weight but still keep cholestorol and all that in check, so i think VOLUME is the important thing. for the newcomer, it’s a little daunting how many lbs of fruit and veggies you can consume.

    when i sat down with my family yesterday to a plate of 5 huge tomatoes, i reminded them that it was mostly water (and how many tomatoes go into the average tomato sauce???). these are not high density foods, so eat a LOT of them.

    smoothies (sweet and savory) help, cuz you can consume a lot without feeling like a gluton. =)

  • You shouldnt worry too much about it. When your eating raw your detoxing all the bad stuff from your body, that could include your feces and excess body fat. Once your body balances out, then worry about gaining weight, with exercise, not just by sitting on your duff.

    I eat appx 4000 – 5000 calories a day. After my body leveled out and I started eating this much and weight lifting, I found I gained the weight right back in strength and muscle, with no fat. It just takes commintment, especially wanting to maintain weight in muscle and to be raw.

  • Hi – Hey Jdk- that is so amazing that you eat that much and still don’t get fat. Do you think it is your metabolism or that the things you eat (the combination)would have the effect on other people too- even if they only ate 3000 calories- that’s a lot. You could make a lot of money being a personal trainer\diet coach!

  • I lost 25 lbs my first month raw. Although I had lots more than 25 lbs to lose, that was extremely unhealthy for me and had very negative consequences. My problem is that when I eat 100% raw I have very little appetite and therefore have a difficult time consuming enough calories or getting enough nutrients. I do not have a fast metabolism, by the way. Everyone is different, however, so my experience won’t necessarily be yours. I quit raw after 6 months or so but have restarted this year, with a nutritionist in tow. I am easing into it. My goal may be to be all raw by the end of the year- depends on how well I do. Good luck to you.

  • in boot camp 80% of the food I consumed was raw, and I ate about triple what everyone else ate, in massive amts. I was going to at least two meals twice and not exercising except to get from one chow hall to the other…lol…I went down to under 100# in less than about 3 weeks, and I was 120 prior. I was consume inordinate amts of peanut butter (smuckers @ boot camp!!!—about 3 svgs every meal)... so..I don’t think it’s quantity I should focus on, or maybe my body is supposed to be that small if I am walking a total of 30-60 min a day? ...:-/

    I guess at this point I’d like to maintain muscle and decrease fat and not lose weight in the process…maybe it will be trial and error. lol…I think raw cheesecake once a day might be the key..hhahaaha



    Check these links out. They address the same issue. Good luck.

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