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Do any of you feed your dogs 100% raw food?



  • I had a german shepherd who was really sick for a long time from being poisoned. He really got better when I treated him to carrot juice mixed with avocado with shredded up kale and nutritional yeast and Bragg’s (don’t know if they are raw). I put this on top of his food. He gobbled it up!
    There is a book called “Reigning Cats and Dogs”, all about raw food for pets. Can’t name the author.

  • In the article I referenced in my last post, it discusses how dogs cannot produce Amylase (which humans produce in their saliva). Without amylase, the starch in fruits and vegetables cannot be broken down. It passes through their system undigested. Aside from their teeth design, this is one of the arguments that dogs are carnivores.

    It is my understanding that in the wild, the gray wolf (closest relative of the domesticated dog) eats the stomach of its prey immediately. Here all the vegetation has been predigested, including the starch that they cannot absorb normally.

  • MopokeMopoke Raw Newbie

    Thanks mmtol :)

  • Dogs and cats do excellent on a raw diet. They need vitamins, minerals and enzymes too. Look at the Pottinger Cats study. It showed that a raw diet was superior over a cooked or blend of raw/cooked diet. Raw meat and raw bones with some raw veggies are great. Animals will choose distilled water or other types too. Animals in the wild do not eat raw meat everyday and neither should domesticated. Feeding them 6 days on and 1 day off being a fast day of water is fabulous each week. Many dogs love the carrot/vegetable pulp from the juicer also. There’s some more ideas.

  • I have a chihuahua named vinny who eats raw animal meat- turkey, chicken rabbit, and he absolutely loves it. he runs around the house like a crazy dog!! It is so funny! He also love veggies and fruits, I actually thinks he likes the raw vegan diet better. But dogs are carnivores I do not think feeding an all raw vegan diet would be healthy. By the way my chihuahua thinks he is a tough guy!! No yappy dog syndrome for him! He has hiked all the Vermont mountains with me, and I do not carry him! LOL-

  • MOTHMOTH Raw Newbie

    I have two dogs and they both eat raw meat. It’s obvious to me it’s the right diet for them because they display their pleasure by drooling copiously whenever I prepare their food and by jumping up and down like crazy spazzes in absolute DELIGHT over each meal.

    That’s how I feel about my raw diet too.

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    I have a dog who will not eat raw meat. its really weird….

  • MOTHMOTH Raw Newbie

    Mine did not know what to do with the meat, initially. I don’t think they knew it was food. They refused to eat for a short while but eventually hunger overcome them and they learned quickly. :-)

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    Thanks MOTH!!

  • what is this dogs name? i looked up the worlds oldest dog and it seems to be BELLA in England , a lab that is 203 years old in dog years?

    but this dog is not vegan


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