Getting enough calories

Hi there,
I’m wondering what you all do to get enough calories on a raw diet.
I’ve read about not eating too much fruit or fat, but then there aren’t a lot of calories in veggies.
I’m, quite skinny as it is, and am losing more weight… although I feel fine.
Let me know what others out there do!


  • Hi Mush, good question :) I think the answer partially depends on whether you are a raw vegan or not. I am not vegan, so I eat raw cheese (can be found at most wine and cheese or gourmet shops if not at your local grocery store) and sashimi. For both vegan and non-vegan raw foodies who want to get more healthy bulk in their diet it’s best to think in terms of calorie-dense foods and better (unsaturated) fats. Nuts are definitely a calorie dense food and the some of less saturated ones are peanuts, almonds, and walnuts. Fruits that are relatively calorie dense are avocadoes, bananas, and almost all dried fruits (particularly dates, figs, and pineapple). Smoothies are a great way to pack a lot of nutrient foods together in one condensed package that might otherwise be hard to get down in one sitting.

    In the end I think you really only need to adjust your diet if you find that you are lacking energy, losing weight rapidly, or significantly below a healthy weight. Also if you’ve recently started a raw diet after previously eating cooked food you’ll probably find that you’ll initially loose a bunch of weight but you will eventually even out and/or gain a bit back.

    Hope that’s helpful!

  • Hi Mush- Sprouted grains, adzuki beans, and seeds are good to eat. A lot of people make salad dressing with ground flax, olive oil, and spirulina or chlorella. Sprouted grains can be added to salads or made into essene bread. Coconut meat is dense and can be made into a pie and your non raw friends will like it. You could make a quiche with avocado as the base, flax seed as a crust and add tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, etc to the filling to taste- I hope this helps!

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