Please tell me its raw

Stopped at a supermarket for some breakfast (have to start taking some fruit with). And bought a box of “just Fruit Munchies.” One of the boxes (not the flavor I got) said on in “Flash Frozen”, I went on the web site ( but could not tell if its Truly raw or not. I hope so, it tastes like candy and very easy to carry around. Any thoughts anyone? Did I find the golden product?


  • It seems that it is raw. You can get more info over on this thread.

  • Thank you. This is great, I need to learn how to search threads like that. And then get back to the store for more of this great product.

  • You’re welcome. If you click on the “forum” tab there is a little search box on the right side. I looove the “Just Veggies” but for some reason it gives me such a bad stomach ache! I have to force myself not to buy it…very sad.

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