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Fix crock-pot meals for her and eat a salad together (or something else raw you have prepared). You both get what you want. The only way to change her mind is seeing how well you do.
Is she vegetarian?
What if you prepared meals that could go nicely with a healthy raw type of salad? Sprouted garbanzo bean hummous with dehydrated crackers and salad, or some nice baked squash with a bit raw salad with hemp and avocado-hmm that sounds good. Rice and beans is one of my favourite ‘comfort/junk’ foods.
Steamed rice with lemon and oil, some onion and or garlic and chopped red pepper, cilantro, spices and etcetera.
Get creative about what you want to eat, but eat. That is all they want to see you do, something healthy, that satisfies the nutrient essentials.
A nice vegetable soup with salad. Sprouted lentil salads on salad.. .if it’s good she’ll eat it, you are probably doing her a favour.
Forget the crock pot -toss it out the window.
Thanks guys, I’ll try.
Is there a special reason why you have to cook for your mom? Before I was raw or vegetarian and my mom stayed with me, I tried to respect her eating habits (not eating mushrooms, etc.) as much as possible. Now I certainly wouldn’t roast a chicken if she came to visit.
No there is no special reason that I cook for my mom~ I’m just trying to be helpful…
Crock pot meals tend to be pretty simple—maybe you could do both?
I’m sure there are many meals that would be similar whether raw or cooked (marinated or dehydrated veggies and veggie stew, for example), so perhaps you could do kind of a two-in-one: prep one set of ingredients, toss half in the crock pot and then the other half in the fridge or dehydrator to marinate or soften. Then you guys could have similar meals prepared in different ways. It may seem like going out of the way to do this, but it shouldn’t take that much time, and another benefit would be that maybe she’d come to see that she preferred “your” version.
Or you could do something like have a warmed raw entree with cooked rice or quinoa. Raw sauces and marinated veggie recipes are great for this. My partner isn’t raw, so sometimes I’ll make zucchini pasta for me and regular pasta for him, then we’ll eat it with a nice raw sauce or topping.
I think it’s terrific that you and your mom eat together, and I think it’s an important thing to be able to make our eating style a part of our lives, not something that alienates us from those we love. Some things are worth taking a stand for (I don’t cook meat, for instance), but others are definitely worth compromising over (I don’t think it’s the end of the world to cook a little bit of rice for my partner so that we can both be happy with our meals). It’s a little challenging to strike a balance in the beginning, but it can be done. Good luck!
Geeze, your Mom doesn’t know a good thing when she sees it, Raven. I would be so proud if my daughter was making meals for me, especially healthy meals. I mean, wow, a daughter who cares for her parent. What a weird concept in my country:P
You guys are so caring and sweet- thank you for all of your advice.
Alix1962, I wish my mom appreciated what I do, but I think she has become so used to me trying that she doesn’t notice anymore… eating raw has become a source of contention- I will try maybe blending raw and cooked… she eats so much stuff that isn’t raw that I hate adding to it though… I could also try looking for recipes that are raw, but taste cooked… any suggestions on meals that would be like that?
I really love stuffed mushrooms and they seem cooked. A truce might be found in striking a balance – mix it up. A nice salad followed by a cooked dish. She might be having withdrawal symptoms or craving warmth (is it cold where you live?). I personally only reach about 75% raw for the cold issue (among other reasons).
people come along in their own time. you* cannot change people (thinking you can, and trying despite the results might make you insane). from her perspective, you are claiming to a know a “truth” that she does not believe in (think of people who try to convert YOU when they have found the “truth”).
i agree with jenny about sharing meals. that time is far more precious than that which we chew. ;)
Yes, it is cold here and you guys are right… thanks
I was looking at Shells Kitchen- and her recipes look so incredible.
If it’s good your mom won’t be able to resist them.
I haave an idea that she is concerned for your health and well-being. I didn’t catch where you are living, but let’s face it most of society has been inundated with the whole meat and dairy thing. I remember learning about the food pyramid and sitting in school watching movies about dairy farmers-drink milk, eat meat pork the other whiteneed I go on.
Hi Raven,my husband doesn’t eat raw and latelly I’m making him fruit juice (apple,orange,pear…)every day,so he is getting in a huge mood to raw food.Every morning he waits for his fruit juice like a little boy.I am trying to make him veggie juices because I have my 32 oz every morning,but,well…one day.I am pretty sure that the fruit juices are making him craving salads,and raw veggies.He is getting raw every day.