Homogenizing Nuts without green star juicer


I am really new at raw food (only being doing it for a month) and I want yo do a recipe that tells me to homogenize nuts with a green star juicer. The problem is that I do not have one. Does anybody knows how to homogenize without the juicer?



  • coconuttycoconutty Raw Newbie

    You can get ‘er done in a high speed blender… if that’s a no go I believe it may be possible to blend them up pretty good in a food processor, you just may have to add some oil to get them blending well enough though. It can still be done!

  • cfpcfp

    Thank you! I am getting my speed blender tomorrow! I will try it.

  • if you use a blender, it can be helpful if you soak the nuts for 1-4 hours. Also, my Magimix food processor usually does a splendid job, I just have to let it long enough, so a ball is formed out of the nuts, so if you have an fp you may want to give it a try. I have the green star juicer and let me tell you, it is either me doing something wrong or it is just not true that it can homogenize nuts because I tried it with almonds and some crunchy stuff came out but in a few minutes no matter how hard I pushed, it did not want to homogenize at all.

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