Is it safe?

I have been high raw for awhile now and am just starting to read about all the different fasts and cleanses that many raw foodists do. I have tried a green smoothie fast and the salt water flush but am interested in the MC and these liver and gall bladder flushes etc. I am trying to figure out if these fasts/cleanses are safe. It is the salt water flush and the stone passing flushes I am concerned about since they both have us eating weird stuff with dramatic effects. It seems that doctors are really against the stone passing ones and I wonder what is really going on in the body. I want to read some scientific documents about this. Does anybody know of any studies done on these topics? What do you all think about this?


  • elizabethhelizabethh Raw Newbie

    I would say that unless you are diabetic or underweight, a short term (i.e. few day-a week) juice fast is perfectly safe. However, anything longer or more extreme should be supervised by a medical professional. This could be an open minded MD or ND. Fasting, especially juice fasting in my case, has been extremely beneficial. The longest I have gone in is a week.
    Also, remember to ease in and out of a fast, never just go from regular foods (even raw foods) to a fast. Eat less and less as you go into the fast, and slightly more and more as you get out of it (smoothies are great for transitioning to a fast).

  • Thanks for replying, Elizabethh. Good tips with the easing into and out of it. Smoothie and juice fasts make sense to me. I understand and believe that they are beneficial. But, I guess what I am reacting to is these kidney stone, liver stone etc cleanses. I have read that doctors don’t support them and don’t believe that they are stones that people are passing… that they are some sort of result of the weird stuff you have to drink (olive oil etc..) Has anyone ever heard of those stones being analyzed anywhere to see what they consist of? I so want to believe that we can clean ourselves out and have optimal health this way.

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