Kay, I know the basic premise for eating raw foods: it’s healthier to eat foods that haven’t been deprived of their natural enzymes by heating above 118 F for longer than 3 minutes. Got that.
But what I’d really like to see is some solid evidence. Every article I’ve been able to find (and my search has been admittedly cursory) borders on fanatical; I keep reading over and over, “Living food is better!” Okay, got that point. What I need is some evidence.
So can anyone refer me to a book or website that has a more esoteric explanation of why eating raw is more healthful? I’m pretty sure my friends and family won’t think I’m quite so crazy if I can explain the thought process behind this lifestyle a little better.
sunfood nutrition by david wolfe it’s a great book.
i would look into gabriel cousens work.
“The Live Food Factor” by Susan Shenck was my first book and was a real eye opener for me. But my personal opinion (worthless, of course!) is that you need to try it for yourself, experience it yourself and be your own proof!!!
LOL trihardest I read your blog and am still wipeing away the tears of glee….You know you are 100% right. If raw isnt speaking to you then maybe for now its not your path jsut like the ironman marathon. When i first decided to try this way of eating i was a bit stressed about it, I spent hours in the kitchen, hours on line, $ on amazon for raw living books…now mind you i went “raw” from my sheer disgust with the meat recalls and the knowledge that my genes aint the strongest on the planet…best to try to head off the inevitable with diet!
What ive learned is that there are many things we dont know about our bodys and that with the best of intentions we have been raised to believe certain things. There is tons of conflicting advise on both sides…so finding “proof” is all in where you look. You can find arguments both scientific and personal all over the place on line. the book that most spoke to me is victoria boutenkos green for life, it wasnt neccisarily scientific but it made sence to me.
Where im at in my raw lifestyle now is more comfortable to me, i dont sweat the small stuff. If i have a salad out i ask them to put the dressing on the side and remove any meat and cheese from it, if i eat thai spring rolls( uncooked) i ask them to leave out the tofu and shrimp, but i eat the rice wrapper and some of the dipping sause( usually peanut) and then there is sushi…If possible i have them leave off the rice and stick to veggie rolls and avo rolls and cucumber in nori( which is not the raw kind of nori)...BUT if i feel like a big old peice of jalepeno yellow tail sashimi I eat it! I havent been able to really get used to the taste of raw sprouted hummus and im over my nut pate kick sooo i eat cooked hummus(gassing out my poor hubby for a few day s afterwards) it worth it to me to be at peace with my food…If you are ready to “punch” raw foodies out and leafy greens make you want to scream why torment yourself? do what feels right to you…mean while keep on kicking ass at the pool and on the bike! I admire your competative spirit! ;)
Try our website:
www.purelyraw.com we have a lot of information there, you can email us for more info if you want after you’ve read what we have. The specific page I think you might like is this one:
Also, David Wolfe “Sunfood Success systems” and “Nature’s First Law the Raw Food Diet”(by Arlin, Dini and Wolfe)
And Matt Monarch “Raw Spirit” is a good one too.
There is actually a lot out there if you do some digging.
You know, I agree so much with omshanti. I’ve never read anything that sounded like real evidence on why the raw diet worked. I was speaking with my uncle, a chemistry professor, last night, and he was very skeptical about some of the theories that are going around the community. I really do think that most of the “proof” we hear about is more like hypothesis at this point.
I’ve come to believe maybe we just don’t understand why raw works so well for some of us. But that said, it certainly works really well for me. The best evidence I have for myself is that it makes me feel terrific. And eating more raw makes me want to eat more raw (especially green smoothies, which I love, love, love).
But like omshanti said, I also love a thai spring roll (sans tofu) every once in a while. Or cooked hummus. Sometimes eating a little cooked vegan makes me feel crappy, emotional, and hung over; sometimes it makes me feel great. Usually it just makes me very thirsty. Which is fine! I don’t stress about it. But I eat raw because it makes me feel awesome. If it doesn’t make you feel awesome, maybe it’s not for you at this moment?
Quite frankly, there is no hard evidence that raw is better (or not better, or worse!). That doesn’t mean it is true or not true, just that it hasn’t been studied by science. “Unproven” and “untrue” are different things.
Find what works for you, that will be your hard evidence.
There was a study done on mice by a natural hygiene MD ( I wish I could remember who ). This MD studied mice on all different diets and different foods. The mice actually did the best on a raw diet with some raw egg and dairy. They did the second best on a raw vegan diet. He also tested mice on cooked meat and cheese and cooked vegan. I found this info online, I seem to remember that he is well known ( I had heard of his name before ). Oh-well maybe someone can Google it.
Here’s a list of the toxins created when food is cooked, followed with a list of scientific resources. Look at the articles link and then toxins created by cooking. I couldn’t post the whole link.
Even though I too look for “hard evidence”, use the studies as a guide and not the “truth.” As Paul Harvey has said… and the rest of the story… To really understand about studies, one needs to really look into the methodology. There are so many variables even though researchers try to minimize them. As an example, spirit wrote”
”The mice actually did the best on a raw diet with some raw egg and dairy. They did the second best on a raw vegan diet. He also tested mice on cooked meat and cheese and cooked vegan.”
(This is not to pick on what you said spirit, only to use it as an example. Thank you for your post as it opens a door for someone to research further about the MD and info.)
If I saw that stated by a researcher as the results of a study, personally, I would have many questions about the research. Some of them are: What did they actually feed the mice in each of the groups? Was the produce organic and nutritionally packed (most of us get inferior produce due to mass production methods). If the mix was changed, does it make a difference? For all we know, the vegan diet was iceberg lettuce only (not very nutritionally dense). Was the meat organic? How long did they keep the mice on the diet? What was the criteria for judging “did better”? This is only some of the questions I thought of in a few minutes. There are many more, even those that because of conditioning (“taught” something is true), they wouldn’t be asked but need to be.
As posted before, there has been tons of research done on the medicinal properties of Aloe Vera. Tons of research say there are no medicinal qualities. Tons of research (and thousand of years of use) say that it has healing properties. What was recently realized is that the research that showed no healing properties used “old” Aloe (Aloe that was harvested and not used immediately). Fresh Aloe shows significant healing properties. Additional research identified Mannose as the active component that contributed to significant healing properties. Mannose is destroyed as part of the plants healing/protective process so it makes sense that fresh Aloe works while non-fresh does not. Another factor to the healing property puzzle is what variety of Aloe is used. In addition, I would bet on it being so, that some time down the line when more scientific methods are discovered, it might turn out that something entirely different is going on.
So again, when looking at “research” ask yourself… what is the rest of the story?
Food for thought…
.step. .step. .step. ... ok, I’m part way off my soapbox now… :)
I guess I look at ‘evidence’ on a more simple approach. What would happen if we, as humans were heated up beyond 118 F ? Our cells would fry, be destroyed and no longer ‘worth’ anything. I try and relate that same principal to food. If excessive heat would destroy our cellular structure thus killing everything ‘good’ inside of us what’s the difference with food?
I know that isn’t the answer you desire; however, as others have said, “feeling is believing,” and after you get over that terrible transition period (man I wanted to have nothing to do with anyone for a couple of months) the feeling is amazing and indescribable.
I don’t think there will ever be true ‘evidence’ as ‘truths’ are constantly changed throughout history thus making them only opinions or best guesses. Look at diets .. my goodness. To lose weight stop the fat, no wait stop the carbs, no wait! count the carbs! Wait?!? Eat whatever you want but cut the sugar! Ha.
Why did I go raw? It’s simple, and simple makes sense to me. Good luck on your quest trihardist. :)
Digestive Leukocytosis is a good hard fact is it not?
This is off our website:
“Prior to 1930, It was believed that whenever we ate, there was an immune system response as if we were poisoned. An immediate rise in white blood cells, by about 300%. White blood cells are our body’s soldiers, they are produced to fight off threats, like poison, trauma or disease. This reaction to eating was called Digestive Leukocytosis and thought to be normal.
In 1930, Dr Paul Kouchakoff conducted research to compare the effects of cooked food versus raw food. He discovered that Digestive Leukocytosis occurred only when cooked or processed food was eaten. He found that there is no immune system response when we eat our food in it’s natural, unheated, unprocessed state.
Because of Digestive Leukocytosis, eating cooked food keeps our immune system in a constant state of emergency.”
Also the Pottinger’s Cats experiment which is often quoted in raw books may be a good place to look to.
The best thing is just to try it and see for yourself. It is going to take science a long time to catch up with us raw foodists.
Doctors only have about 6 hours nutrition training in their whole 6 year medical training. Don’t expect them to come up with reasons why you should be raw, they’re too busy cutting up sick and diseased people and researching on behalf of their partners the pharmacutical industry.
Research costs
The China Study is excellent!
I don’t know if it has much “hard evidence” but I like the website http://www.runningraw.com/ you might like it too! It has Tim’s personal expierence and he does a lot of training and running.
The China Study will definitely turn anyone off of milk.
What I find that it’s best not to try to convince anyone that a raw diet is good for them. They might find it offensive if you say that “your body starts creating white blood cells when you eat meat. Your lungs generate mucus when you drink milk. You stink and require deoderant when you eat meat. Your dead food has the aura of fear and death about it.”
You could believe those things, but people don’t want to hear it. And they might take a dislike to you if you say it.
People have asked me what I do because they noticed that I have changed. I say that I juice. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I do not drink dairy. And I eat mostly a raw diet. They don’t need to know exactly why unless their sick of course.
If they have cancer, I’ll refer them to sexy cancer’s blog and youtube clip. And I’ll explain that I got started because I noticed the change in my friend who had cancer after he went raw.
I was reading what Zoe wrote about doctors and nutrition. She is correct. My doctor started making jokes when I explained my raw diet last year. “God made cows. So cow milk is good.”
I have had my visit this year. I know he’ll joke no more.
Gerson’s therapy requires drinking many glass of vegetable and fruit juice. It also requires a potassium supplement pill and colon cleansing. My friend who had survived cancer was on gerson’s.
Here’s a you tube clip. At the end, Japanese doctor’s at Loma Linda describe it’s effectiveness and their studies.
I am the one that says don’t say much, but I’ll monopolize space in here, hehe.
Here’s a clip showing the effects of a plant based diet on arteries. The pics don’t lie.
trihardist I understand your feeling about explaining to your friends and family about your new way of eating, but believe me, not matter if it is vegan, raw or what ever you choose to eat different from everybody else is going to be questionable or they just will think that you when crazy. For me there was no more question about that something was realy good about eating raw, when about a month of eating just about 90% raw; whithout changing anything about my body hygienic routine, I had no need for any deodorants because it didn’t matter how much I perspirated I had not bad odors.
About your question about any book, I’m reading about juicing and I realy like “The Juice Fasting Bible” by Sandra Cabot, MD at the end of her book there are testimonials from some of her patients that had clear up from cancer, lung disease and migraine headaches.
I also highly recommend Green For Life and 12 steps to raw Foods by Victoria Boutenko
I think you meant practical information about why Raw Food might be enjoyable to someone. If you’re really looking for more esoteric detail, study Iridology and start watching changes in people’s eye features. Just be prepared to see miracles.
More practically… In our client practice, we start sessions giving people some of the Raw Super Food Chocolate Drink mix and Vanilla Agave Nectar we package.
Usually in 5-10 minutes, most clients feel a dramatic upleveling of energy, expanded breath and mental clarity. This expands to balance out chronic pain, fatigue and other symptoms which many times require meds, like depression, diabetes, blood pressure, insomnia, etc.
In fact, if a person is on meds, we suggest they immediately switch to working with a compounding pharmacist, as Raw Super Food intake tends to greatly reduce required dosages toward zero at a rapid pace. This is especially important for insulin and blood pressure meds, as diabetes and blood pressure usually balances to normal in a few days. The longest we’ve ever had a client take to get off insulin is around three weeks, as they’d been injecting for over 20 years. Most people complete with insulin in 3-4 days.
For me the reason I eat Raw is Raw Super Foods taste better, are easier to prepare and I feel better when I’m eating Raw Super Foods.
Most people who visit our client practice report they’re desiring to look and feel better too.
We suggest people avoid mentioning they’re eating Raw to anyone, except other Raw Foodists. Instead we suggest people simply fill their fridge with goodies like Chocolate Drinks, Mole’s, Chia Pudding and Mole Cabbage Salads.
Then simply share these with people, only saying things like “you’ve gotta taste this!” Then let them ask you about your secrets. Again avoid taking about Raw, just explain how to prepare your dish and leave it at that. Many people have converted their families to Raw during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas by quietly introducing one of Yemiah’s holiday recipes.
Considering many people have diabetes the ability to eat sweet treats which balance, rather than spike blood sugar is a great conversion feature.
This approach is especially great for covertly converting spouses, children, friends and family without sounding like you’ve joined some weird cult. :-)
Have you ever read about the Possinger Cats study? It is an amazing study that proves what raw foods can really do. I read about it in George Malkmus’ book called God’s Way to Ultimate Health. This book has a ton of scientific studies backing up why raw food is the way to go and not dairy and meat…very interesting, and lots of testimonies also.
I have heard also that the China Study is a book that will change people’s way of thinking…on my list of to-read :)
This isn’t hard science, but it is natural science…I’ve never seen any animal but humans eat cooked food. Not one. No, we’re not like other animals, but we really aren’t so different, especially since we evolved in the same environment.
I’m currently reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.
The author has been a nutritional researcher for more than 40 years.
The China Study is the most comprehensive study of nutrition and health ever conducted.
I once knew someone who was/is raw foodist and did research; he was getting his PhD to publish his work. I do remember he said about his studies of 10-day raw food diets… (some) athletes did not have a significant improvement. I do not remember exactly why, but I vaguely remember that it’s probably because they exercise which keeps the lymphatic system moving, keeps the digestive system ‘moving’, sweats away toxins through the skin, drink plenty of water, have better circulation… all these are good things. I won’t know until he publishes his work… whenever that is.
I read Enzyme Nutrition, by Dr. Edward Howell… in his book he mentions his study on mice. And, his theory on enzymes. His whole book is just a concept/theory based on this studies/research.
Also, on another forum, Alive or Dead Enzymes – Does it Matter? I answered a different question… yet along the same lines… the raw food diet is more optimal to getting rid of waste from the body… here’s what I wrote:
bq. Does it matter? Well, (my opinion)... let
Wow! I am so impressed with the response you guys have given. I resonate with many of the ideas presented, particularly the observation that much of our knowledge of human nutrition is theory and, let’s face it, propaganda (food pyramid, anyone?). I so appreciate the depth and breadth of knowledge available on this forum. I’ve also responded with a post, which you can read at hhttp://trihardist.blogspot.com/2008/02/raw-days…
Being able to explain theories behind a raw diet can be helpful, but in my experience, this isn’t what people are really asking for.
I agree with Dfavor’s earlier post. Almost all people, whether they’re aware of it or not, really just desire food that tastes great and has the short- and long-term effects of feeling wonderful in their bodies.
My husband and I have been raw fooders for 7-8+ years each, and have learned a lot about social interactions. A tendency raw fooders have in the beginning is they are so astonished about what they’ve learned and how much better they feel (a complete paradigm shift) that they want to tell everyone about it! Purely out of good intention. And it usually backfires anyway.
Be centered in yourself, confident with your choices, and be genuinely interested in others. Bring delicious food to social gatherings. Say nothing about being a “raw foodist” unless their excitement about your food naturally progresses your conversation that far.
As an example, my husband and I went to an Irish music jam last weekend (we love traditional Irish music and are friends with the host of this jam). We brought a gallon jug of Chocolate Silk, which is a superfood mix we blend together with Vanilla Agave Nectar (you can read more about both of these at http://Loving-foods.com). It takes about 5 minutes to prepare, and is food for us for days. We also made some Tomato Spice Flax Crackers. All we did was drink Chocolate ourselves (while everyone else was eating chips and drinking soda) and offer it to anyone who looked at us curiously. All we said initially is:
“it’s a creamy, sweet chocolate drink that’s our primary food, because it has almost every nutrient our bodies need. Try some!”
The result of being low-key with your approach is the right people will be attracted to your food, and people who aren’t ready to hear it won’t allow themselves to even see it. Every conversation on the subject of nutrition we had on that night naturally progressed in a way where the “asker” controlled the flow with their own excitement, and we read their energy and responded accordingly. This produces excellent results, and you end up having way more fun :)
Part of our nature as humans is we look to others for inspiration, to give us an example of what another person who is living in joy and vitality looks and acts like. We are in our most alive state when we’re in the act of communing with fully alive people, because we have the opportunity to take on their qualities for ourselves. The most powerful thing you can do to support others is to be this for them. That’s all. Just have fun, by yourself and with others :)
- Courtney