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Make the crust out of pecans, dates, shredded coconut, cinnamon and orange zest.(Pecans are a soft nut so the coconut will add bulk, I would use some almonds too if possible) If you can dehydrate the crust alittle it would help from the upper ingrediants from softening the crust too much.
Then make a Walnut/Vanilla cream layer: Process the Walnuts, Vanilla and Agave to a fine cream. (a buttercream consistency). Cover the crust.
Then top with sliced, layered strawberries and half moon orange slices off the edge to seperate the slices.
To really make it crazy, melt a 100% Cocoa bar, over the pilot light on your stove and drizzle over the top of the pie.
Bassling~ It sounds yummy. Be careful of pecans as they are hard to come by raw. I would maybe blend the filling ingredients for a more of a pudding pie & top with strawberries. Yumm, now I’m hungry! But, try it out & taste…that’s the sure way to know what’s best!
You might allow the highly-flavoured (delicious sounding) crust to “speak for itself” by having a simpler filling, which doesn’t repeat the vanilla and date flavours. Maybe just blended frozen banana and strawberry to make a kind of light, ice-cream centre.