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I quit coffee, but I didn’t do it gradually. I just stopped. If you really want to quit, you have to make the decision that you’re not going to drink coffee anymore, no matter what.
The first step is to throw away your coffee maker and all your coffee.
I drank coffee like a fiend for many years, so if I can quit, anyone can quit. You’re going to feel tired for a while until your body adjusts to not having the caffeine, but believe me, you will have more energy, and more importantly, more consistent energy, once you kick the habit.
Do you drink a green smoothie in the morning? It would be a good idea to substitute a smoothie for your morning coffee ritual.
I have many great green smoothies. You know. I think i like the efficiency of that 1/2 c—get up, drink the coffee, trip to the bathroom (essential-i won’t be able to tolerate missing that trip), exercise, get ready for work, green smoothie.
Izhpt, if that’s the only cooked food left in your diet,you’re miles ahead of the pack. Don’t sweat it. Especially since you are not even enjoying the taste as much, and only drink 1/2 cup. I still drink an coffee on occasion, but I was never a heavy coffee drinker.
I was a heavy coffee fanatic!! Now I am down to one every couple weeks! Man it was hard at first, but for health reasons I dumped the habit!! Thing is I still really like the flavour!!
well, you know i really haven’t stressed over it, but as the weeks go on, I’ve always felt my body will let me know when it’s time for it to go—like my experience with Bragg’s lately—Gosh! All of the sudden, I can’t stand that stuff!
I dont’ drink a lot of coffee, but I love it. I’ve been weaning myself off of the caffeine by using part regular coffee, part decaf. And I use the organic stuff. No sugar, just almond milk in it.
Maybe give that a shot?
Good for you Izhpt. It sounds like you’re almost there. I agree with Sue, if that’s all you have left to let go of – wow !!! I made a decision to not drink coffee anymore but it was the right time for me. It will happen.
Thank, all for not lecturing me on the hazards of toxic coffee. Maybe tomorrow I go to a little less?
I agree with Sue, if that’s the only non-raw thing in your diet CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
That being said, I have been a heavy coffee drinker since I was 12! Lately, I’ve been finding that I just don’t really want it. (very strange for me) I’ve literally gone on a walk to the coffee shop to get my fix & just turned around when I got there. I’m not 100% raw, and I still drink coffee, sometimes a lot, and sometimes a few times a week. This is the first time I’ve just not wanted it. Usually I have to force myself not to drink it. I really feel your body will tell you. Don’t stress about it at all, you’re doing great!
If you’re really one of those people who can just have one cup in the morning and then call it quits for the rest of the day, I’d say that’s fine.
Coffee in moderation can have health benefits. I read that the French have a lower rate of cavities because of all the coffee they drink. :)
So, what nasty junk do they put into decaf. to eliminate the caffien? I don’t trust decaf!
Izhpt.. I was a big coffee drinker too and if was (other than dairy) the last thing to go. What I did was use things to transition. I first substituted yerba matte for coffee. It gives you a very similiar kick in the morning. After about a month on that, I transitioned to green or black tea, even less caffeine. After about three months of that, I quit entirely and had very few withdrawls.. maybe just three days of feeling a little more tired than usual. Now .. if I really need a kick.. I drink raw kombucha.. try it if you haven’t! good luck! coffee is a hard one but I can truly say while it use to tempt me and I’d just want to take a sip of my husband or co workers coffee each morning, I can totally bypass it now.
if you buy organic decaf coffee that uses the swiss water process, it’s natural, and if you buy a good one, it still tastes good like regular.
I had a similar situation to kminty3. I started to substitute coffee for a soy chai (spicy tea ) has a very satisfting flavour, not “watery” like other teas, plus it was based on soy milk. After about 3 months of this, I was truly over it.. but the good thing was that I lost my taste for coffee. I found that the smell of coffee was far better than the taste. I think going raw gave me the heightened sense of taste.Part of the process was recognising that coffee drinking was just habit. Now I can enjoy the aroma of coffee and know that the smell is the best thing about it. I also made sure that if I had coffee … I went out to buy one…no more making coffee at home. Then it dawned on me how expensive it was becoming for something that was always a little disappointing!..and i had enough badly made coffees to put me off for life.
oh, i can’t seem to give it up entirely, but i’ve made the switch to decaf and i feel way better.
I was at the point of having headaches when I skipped my half cup of coffee in the morning. I switched to half decaf for a while, so I was only getting about 1/4 cup of regular coffee. After a couple of weeks, I switched to a variety of teas, most of which are naturally caffeine free, or have a small fraction of the caffeine found in coffee. Now I’m fine without either coffee or tea, though I’ll still have tea sometimes, and coffee on rare occasion.
I went cold turkey and I was in the seventh circle of hell for about two weeks. Headaches. Grouchy. No energy. But things improved a lot after that. My skin finally cleared up completely, and I had a bigger energy buzz than I ever got from coffee.
Whatever you choose to do, good luck.
It’s important, I think, not to fall into the trap of comparing your own ability to quit something, with other people’s abilities. Science has told us, especially recently, that the whole idea of ‘willpower’ is really a great big crummy fallacy—that if you can’t quit you just aren’t trying hard enough ‘because after all, lookit so-and-so.’ How you handle addiction or what your tolerance is of pain—these things are absolutely relative. To believe in the opposite view is dangerous, and can lead to low self-esteem and shame, and eventually you’ll be voting republican.
Well said Zooey Glass. Cheers! Does anyone know the problems coffee can provoke?
Thank you all and LionMouse, the visual was hysterical. You all have great ideas. I’m going to continue to wean, which probably won’t work until i make a date to put the lovely french press and heavenly Fair Trade Dark Roast to rest. Off to get my Kombucha.
Izhpt: Have you tried raw cacao as a substitute? It only has a small amount of caffeine, and in its raw state the caffeine supposedly doesn’t have that stimulating effect. But it still gets you hopped up because of all the bliss chemicals! Also, check out the Irish Macaffee recipe from sweetpea on this website. It’s kind of like a raw cappucino! I’ve been making and enjoying this delicious beverage. :)
Oh yes. Forgot to mention, I sleep with my jar of cacao! I’ve been working on perfecting a hard raw cacao bar. If it weren’t for cacao, I bet I’d be having an afternoon cup too.
be careful with the caffine withdrawls – those are killer….
but remember to not get rid of your coffee grinder! They can be used to grind seeds & nuts….
Thanks to this post, I quit coffee for good! I drank caffeinated tea a couple mornings, then just stopped completely. I slept a lot those days – it’s best to quit during a long weekend.