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Hi Ardesmond2, I just made a lovely vegetable croquette, check it out under ‘recipe’.
yeah I saw that sweetpea but it has carrots. Me and my family don’t eat any hybrid or root vegetables. Do you know of a replacement I would love to try it.
Carrots are not always hybrid. And they are VERY good for you. Why do you not eat them? I think one carrot has like 600% RDA Vitamin A. A little more maybe. Also carrot juice has a lot of calcium in it.
I learned about hybrid foods from Wolfe
Well, it is jsut fine for you to dow hat you want to do. However, people have eaten non organic hybrid foods and felt MUCH better than teh average american. Also, why can’t you eat organic carrots. I do not care what anyone thinks but, Carrot juice has saved people’s lives. Beet juice too. That’s ot. If you lsot a lot of blood, drink a TON of been, carrot and dark green juices. It is a juice blood transfusion!
Yummm…a long time ago I got an already prepared lentil burger from Whole Foods that was delicious!!! I’d love to re-create it raw, so I’ll let you know what I come up with. I’m thinking maybe sprouted lentils, quinoa, and some different veggies and/or pulp. Maybe try using celery pulp instead of carrot?
try this….from this site: and Aniphyo has my fav burger recipe no carrots… burgers!!!
i love making burgers from greens pulp personally. and i read you use the blender method, so you’ll have nice dry greens to use. any “pulp” will do for burgers just make sure you don’t use yucky flavor combos…
you don’t even have to use pulp, you could blend a bunch of greens, chopped celery, (do you eat onion?), some herbs, ground flax… and there you go.
ardesmond2: I’m also trying to cut out hybrids based on wolfe’s theory.. however I”m not too concerned about carrots because I have them, at the most, once a week. I did totally cut out banana’s though because I use to have about 2 a day. Beets I eat rarely anyhow, potatoes almost never. Most the other stuff is easy because I choose oranges, etc, with seeds. Had to give up raisens though, couldn’t find seeded ones
Carrots are really easy to grow and you can get heirloom varieties that have been around for over a hundred years and are not hybrids. Or are those varieties still forbidden in Wolfe’s philosophy? I’m not familiar with it.
Wow! Ardesmond, you just need a burger. It’s been a little while since i craved them, but they were raw essentials. i always used soaked sunflower seed about 2C—they’re ready in 2 hours, meanwhile i grind up about 1/2c flax seeds in the coffee (gasp) grinder and pour into 1c water for the end. I throw the soaked sunseeds in the vitamix , then i add all my pulverized vegetables and lastly the flax seed water mixture. This helps make them stick together. Use whatever you want-sub zucchini in there w/ fresh basil, italian spices, sundried tomato (soaked 3 hrs) sea salt and pepper or make an asian burger w/ ginger, soaked sesame seeds. there are always sun seeds and sundried tomatoes soaking here. i know I’ll use them. I always like the burgers because if i was too lazy to form pattys, I’d flatten it out on the dehydrator tray and make bread or crackers—just depends how thin you go. you also can leave it raw an dit becomes dip! Very versatile.
I’ll bet you could use chia seeds as a binder, just soak them first so they’re all gooey…
I’m in love with chia right now. Fun stuff!
Do you know the benefit of chia vs. flax? Can you use them in a cracker? Are they lower in fat?
have you ever tried purple carrots? i’m pretty sure they are not a hybrid variety, and much closer related to the older variety of carrots.