pH, Acid/Alkaline, Weight & Health

How does pH balance etc. effect weight, weight loss and overall health?


  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    i read this book called the “pH miracle.” it’s interesting but i personally think it focusses on the wrong things. it comes to the conclusion that you need to keep your pH alkaline and then you will lose all the weight you want. this means no fruit (like AT ALL!), lots of raw fats, certain cooked grains, most cooked and raw vegetables… etc… and LOTS of water (agreed there!). but, no one in the book looked that great in their “after” photo. ;)

    it seems to me that the no fruit with lots of fat could be reversed for a similar effect. from what i gather a lot of fat slows down your detox and so gets your body pH alkaline faster if you are super unhealthy… a lot of fruit with barely any fat will be a FAST detox (maybe too fast) and get you alkaline eventually… but being MODERATE might get you to be alkaline and then get you to feel great and then get you to lose weight.

    also, i guess you have to gauge just how much WORK and TIME your body needs to do to become ALKALINE. for someone who has been eating pancakes and steaks, i think it’s a good idea to detox with fats since you are basically replacing raw healthy fat for cooked/hydrogenated animal fat. that’s definitely positive… but if you are transitioning from say a whole grain, low fat vegan diet than you might be “clean enough” for fruit.

    these are just some concepts i’ve been working through. no one has THE ANSWER out there (beware if they say they do!). your body will let you know.

  • alpdesignsalpdesigns Raw Newbie

    I just had my blood pH tested. I don’t have the results yet. It was a blood gas test and it uses arterial blood, OUCH! Different parts of the body need to be acidic and blood should be alkaline. Litmus tests aren’t accurate guides.

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