protein levels

Hey….my b12 and protein levels were very low, even below norm 1 week into being a raw vegan. So even when I was eating meat…I probably wasn’t assimilating protein well anyway. I have now been on this diet for 3 months and have been giving myself b12 shots…so that is better, but my overall protein levels are still really low. My folic acid levels however is way over the limit. I eat brewers yeast and hemp powder and flax seed flakes every day. and I eat a lot of nuts every day… I don’t know what I could do that would be more efficient. Does anyone know of a more efficient way to get non dairy, non soy, non animal protein?????


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    humanimal – I checked the link – interesting! Do you know if the guy has done the trip yet? Or when he is going to do it? That was an interesting question about the B12 for raw vegans versus meat-eaters!

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    wow. that further confirm my theory that modern medical practitioners have more close encounters with extra-terrestrials than healthy humans!

  • reall intereesting about the b12 levels….it makes sense you don’t need much if your not eating a lot of protein.’s so scary how the medical (not surgical) field has not evolved realy in the last 30 years with new nutritional standards. thanks for the info everyone.

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