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How do you feel about tea?


I’m not sure about teas. I haven’t had a tea in months. I’m put off by them because they’re not “raw,” are they? I know it’s neurotic, but anything that isn’t RAW I am leery of. It’s just how I am.

But lately I was thinking that it might not hurt anything to have a cup of some organic tea.

Do you guys drink tea, and what types do you prefer?


  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    if you want it try some and see how you feel. no one else can tell you how to feel about something.

    it’s not raw of course. of course. =)

    personally, i like a little herbal elixir every once in a while. i like ginger, pepper, & cinnamon boiled in a pot with water.

  • I love tea, but I don’t drink it every day. My favorite is pau d’arco with a little honey.

  • coconuttycoconutty Raw Newbie

    I love tea and I drink herbal teas regularly for the medicinal benefits!

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    I love tea!! I drink about 2 cups a day.

  • I drink tea everyday. Some peppermint with chamomile and stinging nettles mixed and I add ho shu wu and reishi mushroom. Delicious!

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    oh, you can also make herbal concoctions raw by the way. i just realized that my “tea” is only non-raw when i forget to watch the pot. it tastes delicious before it’s boiled.

  • humanimalhumanimal Raw Newbie

    I drin tea everyday. Instead of water a a base for my cacao elixirs. I use a blend of herbs like pau d’ arco, cats claw, soaked goji berries, nettles, vanilla bean, and cinnamon. I also add some dried shredded coconut. I soak all of these ingredients in warm water for about 1 hour. I then strain everything and I left with a beautiful nourishing elixir base.

  • I love tea! I know its not raw but I enjoy it and I feel like its not bad for you, so why not! I currently have green, pau d’arco, spearmint, dandelion root, and chamomile tea in my pantry.

  • SarahJSarahJ Raw Newbie

    I drink tea about twice a week. It’s just to change things up a little bit. My favourite is mint tea with lime juice and honey. Yum.

  • I love tea. I drink yerba matte every morning and a variety of herbal teas in the evening. I occasionally drink black, green, and white tea, but only once in a while—I’m a big caffeine wimp now!

  • Hello=) Im obsessed with tea, is the only thing that will keep me from been 100% a raw vegan, right now Im enjoying a cup of Wu Long tea =) Yamcha!

  • kminty3kminty3 Raw Newbie

    I do tea too. I drink herbal most days but will have a cup of green or black about twice a week to get pumped up before a run. I’m the type of person that has a really hard time getting going in the morning so tea helps.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    peppermint tea is my fav followed by greentea w toasted rice..not raw but yummy and comforting to me…i dont do well with caffine any more either benny! guess thats good tehee.

    kminty3, did you ever get your kombucha starter? im still checking craigs list…..gotta do something expensive habit!

  • kminty3kminty3 Raw Newbie

    omshanti.. I actually did find one.. the woman who works at the coop in town mentioned she had one. I hope I’m able to make it as well as the synergy I’ve been buying buy the case loads.. yes.. it is an expensive habit !

  • tea is pretty much my one non-raw indulgence that I’ve kept for myself. I live for my earl green teas in the morning and a nice flavored tea at night. Also, I get cold a lot so tea helps me warm up when I’m at work and can’t just burrow in blankets like at home.

  • RawKidChefRawKidChef Raw Newbie

    I LOVE Kombucha. It’s a Chinese tea that is cultured and fermented so it’s fizzy and served cold. It comes in a lot of flavors and some brands sweeten it with sugar while others don’t sweeten it at all. It is RAW and is very cleansing, eases digestion, has healing powers, and decreases your appetite.

    Oh and btw this website has Kombucha starter kits.


  • achin70achin70 Raw Newbie

    Like humananimal, I love my chocolate teas. I’ve steeped pau d’arco and cat’s claw for 24 hours with goji berries, and use that as a base for my cacao drinks.

    I’ve heard some good things about rooibos tea from South Africa as well.

    I’m not too sure about green and black tea, given the amount of caffeine. Oh well, all things in moderation. :)

  • I love Matcha green tea…drinking tea, however non raw it is, keeps me from consuming other far more damaging items. It keeps me hydrated, keeps my mouth busy and …it’s ritual that gives me peace and calm when I need it! I love tea.

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