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Coconut oil/butter is available at stores. Or, you can make your own.
Has anyone ever tried juicing the coconut meat from a mature coconut? You get a coconut cream (don’t know if it solidifies, cause I froze it right away for future use) and the coconut that comes out of the pulp part of the juicer is like the shredded stuff you can buy. I dehydrated that and it turned out great! Anyway, I wonder if the coconut cream could be used as coconut butter?
so, there’s often confusion about what is coconut oil and what is coconut butter. people often refer to coconut oil as coconut butter. however, artisana (an awesome company) has recently come out with a product called coconut butter, which is actually blended mature coconut. i like to make elaina love’s coconut fudge, which is dried coconut blended in the food processor until completely smooth (this often takes quite some time, but the result is awesome).
i don’t know if that cleared anything up or made it more confusing, but there you go!
Thank you. I already use coconut oil for making ‘dehydrated’ pastry and using ground almonds for the flour. I will experiment. I cannot find young coconuts, only the brown ones.
I have juiced mature coconut before and the coconut cream doesn’t really solidify. I stuck mine in the fridge and it stayed pretty thick/creamy. Like you, maxinatux, I dehydrated the pulp and it turned out really great (albeit a little messy – flakes kept blowing out every time I opened my dehydrator). I’m addicted to artisana’s coconut butter, and it is quite different than the juiced coconut cream, or coconut oil.
By the way, you can get it through amazon (via raw reform) for $7.35 (a couple of weeks ago it was selling for less).
It sells for almost $12 at my local store as well as the actual raw reform store.
I have made my own coconut “butter” and milk before. It’s a project but was fun. You get a mature coconut, shred the meat, let it soak overnight in warm water, then blend the holy mother crap out of it. Strain it through a fine cloth, and squeeze it till you feel like your hand is going to fall off. Let it set in a cool place or the fridge. The butter will solidify and float to the top, the milk is what’s left. It was great times lol.
thanks for that info libbyb! i heart artisana coconut butter!
shipping charges were outrageous… bummer…
Aw, I didn’t even check the shipping charges…guess that’s why it’s so much cheaper. Sorry!
no, no problem. just thought i’d post it in case other people were getting excited… i think maybe if you like in the UK, or wherever the raw reform store is based, it might be a good deal.
i do recommend it though! soooo tasty and addictive!
Thanks for all your input. It’s fun learning how not to take the lid off the margarine tub and trying new, healthier things isn’t it.