Hello from upstate NY

Hi there!My journey into the raw food lifestyle started about two months ago after going to the doctors and getting yet another perscription. I’ve been spending a small fortune on perscriptions and I didn’t seem to be getting any healthier. I was taking medicines for depression, asthma and trying to loose weight. I’ve been married to a wonderful man now for almost 6 years and have two toddler boys. Three people in my family have recently had gastric bypass surgery including my mom. This honestly scared me into taking a real look at my current eating habits and lifestyle. I came to a place in my life where I was mentally ready for a lifestyle change

I started researching every free minute I had on detoxing, fasting and excitingly, raw foods. Eating raw foods to your improve your health seemed like such a simple concept that make so much sense. I felt like I had one of those eye opening “duh” moments and decided this was the right path for me.

In the two months now I’ve lost about 20lbs and am about 90% raw.Though I still have ways to go I’m really encouraged to stick with a raw food lifestyle. Some days seem so hard as I don’t know anyone else that is raw or even vegan, and there are no juice bars or raw food restaurants anywhere near my city. I am trying to grow my own sprouts for the first time, but not really sure what to do with them :) I read postings on this site everyday as the words of encouragement that people share is so wonderful and makes me feel like maybe I”m not so alone in this journey. So I thought it was time to just say HI! :)


  • AKAAuburnEyesAKAAuburnEyes Raw Newbie

    Hi from a fellow NYer rawbie :) I’m on Long Island. It sounds like you are making excellent progress. Stick with it, the rewards are huge. Have you checked www.meetup.com for raw food potlucks in your area? There may be more around than you realize!

  • Thank you for the great suggestion! I checked out the web site and there are no raw food groups yet, but there are 19 people interested in starting one.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Hi there rawbie, I’m from upstate new york. if you’re nearby, we can start a raw food meetup at a local raw restaurant. Welcome to raw!

  • Hi Rawbie… loved your post as I’m a mother of 2 as well. Having toddlers poses an interesting challenge when you’re raw because it’s hard enough to get them to eat cooked food let alone raw! I am doing pretty well though… daughter loves fruits and berries, it’s the veggies that are hard to come by. Sorry there are no juice bars around where you live. Hopefully that will change. I think the easiest raw thing to start with in the morning is a green drink. I fill up a blender w/ 2 cups of water, pack it to the brim with spinach (somewhat loosely) and add 1/2 banana, apple, orange, a handful of raw almonds or walnuts (this makes the drink more satisfying), a handful of cranberries or lemon juice for tartness and 2 T of flaxmeal. It’s a but pulpy, and if you don’t like that, you can always water it down. There are a million different combos you can do for this drink, but it’s very filling and the ingredients are easy to get. Hopefully you have some places you can buy organic fruits and veggies. I haven’t gotten my daughter to drink this drink yet, but hubby is on board (I’ve also been married to a great man for 6 years).

    Good luck! You are not alone! I know but 1 raw eater personally, and looking forward to meeting more. Hang in there! Congrats on your 20 lbs!

  • Hi Winona, I wish I lived closer to Ithaca, but I’m in Rochester. If a raw food group starts up near you maybe I could make the trek over?

  • Hi Indysay, I love the picture of your daughter with the frosting. lol! Both of my boys got really messy from their 1st birthday cakes. Thank you for the receipe for the green drink. I really like the idea of adding more ingridents. I think I’ve been making them to bland. I recently found out how much I love raw corn on the cob! It tastes so good. I don’t add anything to it. Although I have gotten some funny looks eating an ear of corn waiting at a red light :) I’ve gotten my whole family to try it. My 3 year will eat that for a snack, and my 16mo old likes it to! The bonus is I don’t have to worry about little fingers getting hurt on the hot cooked corn!

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