Re-hydrating nuts and seeds

Is there a general rule on how long to re-hydrate soaked nuts and seeds for consumption? Also, do greens aid in the break-down of nuts or seeds, for exampleeating raw nuts/seeds in a salad? or green smoothie? Thanks!


  • rawmamarawmama Raw Newbie

    David Wolfe said on one of the cds that I have of his that eating nuts and seeds with greens will actually speed up the breakdown of greens. He was chewing a mouth of fresh grass, and chewing and chewing and chewing…it would not break down. He threw in a handful of seeds and whamo the grass disintegrated immediately. He referenced a Dr. (I don’t remember his name) that was doing a study on nuts and seeds and they recommend a small handful on your salads to aid in digestion of the greens.

    I soak my nuts and seeds overnight, about 8 hours, then rinse super well, and finally dehydrate them at a low temp (unless I want to make something with them or eat them right away) for about 4-6 hours. Most books recommend 4-8 hours soaking time. Do not soak too long (like 15 hours or more) or they seem to lose some of their flavor, or that is what I’ve found from my experiences.

  • debbietookdebbietook Raw Master

    I’ve written an article on soaking nuts and seeds that could help.

    It’s at:…

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