need a juicer recommendation

Hi everybody,

I’m new to this forum. I would love to juice my greens and veggies at home, and need a juicer recommendation. I don’t want to spend more than $200. I have heard about the Breville Juice Fountain from The Raw Food Detox Diet, but wasn’t sure if it was ideal for greens and vegetables. I’m not going to be juicing any fruit.




  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    I ran into this recently: You will need a masticating juicer (probably the cheapest for what you want to do)... except the Champion masticating Juicer is not good for greens.

    Just out of curiosity, is there a reason why a high-speed (or good quality) blender is not an option?

  • Hi Selena

    You will gain so much by juicing your greens and veggies! We have been doing so for years. I use a Breville Juicer. More about it here

    I am extremely happy with this juicer. It is tough and powerful and very easy to clean. I know that a masticating juicer gives more benefit in a sense as there is less heat production, but I need something that is super quick and simple to use for our family of four. Whether it will be suitable for you will depend on what you want to juice. It probably won’t work for wheat grass. But I use it for stringy celery and other greens all the time, with great success.

    Hope you find the right juicing buddy for you! Happy juicing Rika Susan

  • KristensRawKristensRaw Raw Newbie

    I imagine the Breville will be a good choice like rsusan wrote. It’s quick and easy to clean up. Just be sure to drink the juice within 15 minutes to prevent oxidation, since a juicer like that oxidizes the juice fast due to the centrifuge system. I love my Green Star, but it isn’t cheap. It’s known for being the best on the market, it also juices wheat grass.

    Yes, you can use a blender and strain through a nut milk or paint strainer bag. This is quite simple, easy to clean, but you get a little messy straining out the juice.

    Cheers, Kristen Suzanne


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