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Hi Trouble!
Just to let you know that I eat raw cheese every once in a while – if I am in the country then I have Organic Valley raw organic cheese which doesn’t use animal rennet so it is vegetarian.
It works for me. I grew up with no dairy, but once every week or two a slice with cucumbers or other veggies feels great. I believe a lot of the problems caused by dairy is due to the pastuerization process. I read an interesting book on the healing benefits of RAW butter and milk once…by a german doctor who studied his patients long-term. Raw butter was particularly good for excema.
As for the mainstream dairy industry..there’s ways around that! most people with a backyard can have goats. That is what I am planning to do. Ghandi walked around with his little goat for milk. If you love and take care of an animal it will be happy to take care of you.
The reality is that there will never be any certain proof of what we are ‘meant’ to eat or not eat. It comes down to what works for the individual and our fellow humans, animals, and environment.
To everyone else speaking with absolute authority on what they believe: it is good to post informative links but I can understand why TJB felt bombarded! where’s the love? please think how you communicate your passions.
There’s a very big difference between raw milk and pasteurized milk. I gave my brother (who’s lactose intolerant) a giant glass of raw milk, and he had no trouble with it whatsoever. The enzyme in milk that aids in its digestion (lactase) is destroyed when milk is pasteurized.
If you can get your hands on some raw milk, troublesjustabubble, I’d give it a shot. ;)
I am coming late into this discussion, but wanted to add that my daughter has an intolerance to gluten and casein. She has high functioning autism and when I removed gluten and casein she showed less autistic symptoms. The theory is that she has mercury poisoning that caused ‘leaky gut syndrome’. She was ‘addicted’ to dairy and bread products and only ate a few other items. At birth she could not keep anything down and I removed all lactose from my diet while breastfeeding her. It made no difference so I went back to eating dairy. At almost one she stopped her projectile vomitting. She had a lot of sensory problems early but no other obvious signs of autism. But she became extremely picky after one and only would drink milk. She was diagnosed with high functioning autism at 4 and I removed all gluten and casein soon after. About 6 months later I started to give her enzymes to assist with gluten and casein digestion. We reintroduced casein first with no changes and then gluten over 6 weeks. She seemed fine for awhile but then symptoms returned. I increased the enzymes but it did not help. I returned her to a no gluten/casein diet. My husband was not a believer, so we challenged the diet many times and her behavior and digestive issues returned each time. I have always wondered if this intolerance will disappear or if she will always need a modified diet. Some who have gone farther have chealated the mercury out and then the gut was able to heal completely. These children were able to return to a normal diet. We tried chealation but she was unable to tolerate the detox through her gut. We did most of this without a doctor, since western doctors do not believe in any of this.
Wanted to see your thoughts on this.
When I really crave cheese, I have raw goat cheese, but no moo for me. Love Naked Goat- a raw goat cheese that lasts me a day and hits the cheese spot for a few weeks. Not that I’m advocating, but ..Rawcure-blessings. i spent many years in Early Intervention and the role of diet in the sensory integration spectrum is profound. I admire you’re perseverance.
RawCure, I am a speech pathologist who, like lzhpt, worked in Early Intervention for many years. I don’t have to tell you about the high incidence of leaky gut and gluten/casein sensitivity in many kids on the spectrum. I highly recommend consulting with a DANN doctor. These doctors specialize in autism and are very knowledgeable about all kinds of nutritional approaches. I also highly recommend contacting a wonderful SLP named Suzanne Evans Morris. She is a feeding specialist and has a company called “Mealtimes”. She has a wholistic approach and is very up on alternative nutritional approaches, including the use of glyconutrients. I don’t have her web address, but you can definitely Google her. Best of luck!
Good question, I had been wondering the same and you got so many responses from this post I can read through them and not post my own ?
I agree it seems many that eat raw are raw vegan, and assume most others are the same. I am not, I have swithced to mostly raw but am NOT vegan(actually my other 20% is local dairy/meat, just much less than I used to eat and higher quality).
I switched this past year from store bought milk to local. Then I cut out all processed cheese and only bought local. Went another step to raw milk, when I realized I could get it at my farmers market(raw milk is legal in CT). A month ago I switched to goat’s milk instead of cow’s, and even at that might be 1/2 gallon a week so really not a lot. I do local cheese, most is raw or close to it.
I know many are anti-milk, but personally my body does better when I DO add small amounts of good quality whole raw dairy (processed was bad for me) and I don’t have an issue drinking it if I know it is local and better quality than I consumed before.
Daaaah... Can anyone name another animal besides man that drinks the milk of another species??? I doubt that you can... ahhh... Also when is the last time You saw and ADULT COW drink its own species's milk??? The only milk anyone should be drinking is mothers milk... That means your own mother's milk at least for the first year or so of your life... after that YOU DON'T NEED MILK!!!
I haven't read all the posts so forgive me if I repeat something.
I really don't buy that there are benefits to drinking milk that we wouldn't otherwise get from eating plant foods. Yes, there are benefits for calves and kids (baby goats) but it doesn't necessarily mean that humans *have* to consume it, either raw or cooked to get those benefits when we have bountiful plant foods available to us.
I do think though that in an emergency situation, that they have their place, whether it be a scarce source of plant food or unavailable mother's milk, otherwise it's not necessary for optimal health.
I have autism and so does my son. We both benefit from a diet free of gluten casein and soy. For me those things cause excema, GI issues, fatigue, inability to focus, trouble finding the right words, and bi polar mood swings.
I will second contacting Suzanne Evans Morris. I LOVE her because she supports real food in feeding tubes as opposed to formula and I have fed my daughter whole foods blended for her tube after she weaned from breastmilk at 3 years old. She thrives on this diet(free of milk, soy, corn eggs and oranges) and doesn't have all of the common problems that tube feeders generally have like constipation and reflux.
I will caution DAN drs because a few are out to take your money and run. It is really expensive and not covered by insurance. I will not risk my family's financial stability to try something that has not been proven to help. I do what I can to ensure we are as healthy as possible and that is enough for me.
No other adult animal drinks milk except for humans.
That's one reason.
Milk causes diseases is a second reason.
Cows milk is for calves. It is formulated that way naturally.
Rawcure, chelation is a rather delicate procedure, and you want to do it under a doctor's supervision. Not any doctor mind you, a doctor that has several year of experince doing chelation with children in the spectrum. Mercury not only binds to the chelator agent, but also to other minerals needed for good health. You need to closely monitor mineral levels and beready to supplement if necessary. Also the body has to be "prepared" to be able to chelate the chelator and the binded mercury. If the body's cleaning systems are blocked, then happens what you experienced with your daughter. I remember the case of a boy that died from a cardiac arrest caused by a low mineral I think it was calcium?issue.
Bu the way, I am curious about the type of enzimes you use with your daughter. My son also has high functioning autism, and does not drink milk or dairy. I can also see the difference when he cheats, it is impressive to see him turn into a completely different child!
As a breastfeeding mom I can say you better have that cows permission b/c it is taxing on a mammal to produce that milk and it is not only food but precious medicine built for that baby specifically. I cant help but put myself in their hooves and being forced to stay pregnant so someone can guzzle your milk it seems selfish and unappreciative of the beautiful gift of natural milk and who it is meant for THE BABES
Ok I am done but really DAIRY is not truly as healthy as this vitamin d calcium crap the the corporations are pushing and it is actually ADDICTIVE there are naturally occuring hormones (plus more if it has RBGH in it)
OK, outside the whole concept of is it right to drink milk or not I want to address the Vit D thing. I agree with veganzraw about the whole Vit D concept being pushed by dairy industry, and worse yet the comercial dairy industry that has to ADD more Vit D to their products!!
It has only been the last year I cut back on dairy, yes I still have some(not anywhere as much as before and only straight from farm, usually raw) but in the past I ate plenty of cheese and forced myself to eat yogurt because it was supposed to be good for me. I also drank milk, although consumption varied. My point is that when I DID have dairy in my diet, I still ended up being MAJORLY Vit D deficient and likely had been for some time. MY levels are higher now and I do much less dairy, but have to take Vit D supplement to keep levels up.
Sorry, point is that if people are eating/drinking dairy products then Vit D should NOT be the reason because it doesn't necessarily do anything for your body in that regard. Oh, and as for calcium...there are many plant sources so that's not strong argument either. Those arguments from dairy industry annoy me as well!!
Why do I eat dairy? I'm not going to lie... I like it and because my body functions better when I have farm fresh & hormone/etc. free products! Milk calms GI if I get a bad flareup, it is one of the few things that will(except for Guinness but can't drink at work, lol).
I haven't tried raw goat milk, but I've tried grade A pasteurized. I guess I am allergic to it, because in about a week or so after drinking it twice a day, I got really sick. Do you think raw milk is going to be better for me?
by the way, how do you make your own yogurt from goat milk?
never mind about the yogurt recipe, I just read it!
larisac - Some people who can't handle pasteurized milk do well on raw milk. I don't do great with either one any more, although raw goat milk used to benefit my body. Now the only dairy I do well with is raw goat's milk cheddar cheese, and I hardly ever eat it now - only if I can't get what I need from plants because of budget, the season, etc.
I didn't read all four pages, just the first and wanted to add...most cheeses made in America have rennet that is synthetic - not from a baby cow's tummy. It's made in a lab - cheaper. The cheese guru/manager at our co-op told my boyfriend cause he is on a raw paleo and looking for the opposite of basically all of us. European cheese has real animal rennet.
I recommend to avoid all animal products. Also honey (I think that honey is like milk)! I notice that some raw food restaurants use honey.
(Stop Animal Cruelty The Cruel Fate of Cows)
(the truth about milk)
I think consuming raw milk is very dangerous. Anything that comes from an animal needs to be cooked. I think the risks far out weigh any possible "benefits". Almond milk is sssooo delicious!
I come from one of the top milk drinking countries in our world- Norway
This is also one of the worst countries for osteoprosis.
Research into consumption of milk and dairy products shows that when taking milk on a regular basis your body stops producing its own calcium, and the calcium you get from milk is of lesser quality.
The fact is , consumprion of milk causes osteoprosis!
This was researched may years ago (10-20?) Oneof the concerned scientists wrote an article and wanted to publish this in one of Norway's biggest newspapers. But was denied as the dairy company threatened to withdraw all their advertisements if the article was printed.
This is a company that spends millions on ads every year, the article was never printed.
So this is a very good reason to not drink milk, add indigestion, allergies, mucus and bad breath.
Then the important fact that the meat/milk industry is a terrible one, and the environmenatal issue;
Fertilizers and pesticides are poured into the land (80% of all culitvated land goes to animals)
and so much forest is cut to make more grazeland for livestock (as McDonlads do f. ex.)
"Daaaah... Can anyone name another animal besides man that drinks the milk of another species???"
Yes, google something like "dog nurses".
How is honey like milk?
If consuming raw milk were that dangerous, humans would have died out by now. Raw is how ALL animals should be consuming their milk or it would come out Pastuerized from the tits. Pastuerizing dairy is a very recent thing and was only started to mass produce it and deliver to places far away. Get it fresh and raw from a local dairy if you are goign to consume milk at all.
vigilant20 - youre talking about an orphaned infant in those cute lil vids. Not quite what the question was asking. BTW I think it's fine if that's what adult humans really want to do. :/
What a great thread! I really appreciate everyone's open-mindedness on this subject.
I personally choose to consume raw dairy products. My understanding is that humans couldn't digest milk until we started domesticating animals, and then we hit an evolutionary point where we could. I believe that not all humans have this ability. I also believe that many people who are "lactose intolerant" are actually allergic to factory-produced milk. Raw milk actually has an enzyme, lactase, that breaks down lactose. This enzyme is killed during pasturization. You certainly would want CAFO milk to be pasturized, but ethical dairies who allow their cows access to pasture produce clean, healthy, omega-3 rich dairy products. Check out the websites for Organic Pastures or Claravale for cool information. I know Carol Alt is a raw celebrity who consumes animal products.
Experiment with what feels good and right for you. I'm considering cutting out all cheese to see how that affects me. With all food, make sure you get it from a source that is "good, clean, and fair." Happy eating!
"Daaaah... Can anyone name another animal besides man that drinks the milk of another species???"
Yes, google something like "dog nurses".
I think what the first person meant was "what mature animal, etc"
Of course, infant mammals need milk and if the mother is not available or able, then the milk of another lactating mammal will suffice.
That being said, if it comes out of an animal that didn't personally give me their permission to take it, that is theft and I will not be part of it.
I "went raw" for my health but after a couple months I realized that the real reason to not eat animals or their products is because it's not moral. Bees do not make honey for us to eat. They make honey for themselves. To feed the young. Like mammals produce milk, sort of. Other creatures were not "put on the earth" to give us meat, milk, fur, eggs, honey, wax, feathers, pearls, silk or any other product.
Nothing is on the planet for a reason, we just manage to find a use for everything. Then we destroy it. Then we synthesize it and it makes us sick, but cultural mores insist that we keep taking the thing that looks like the thing that once sustained our lives but now shortens them. Because change is hard.
Human beings are not masters of everything on earth. Specie-ism is rampant and we MUST subvert the paradigm.
That is why, "no milk"
thanks zucchini breath, that is prob. my favorite post