colon cleansing

Can anyone suggest a good (and not toooooo expensive) colon cleansing product?

thanks :)


  • daniefondaniefon Raw Newbie

    I have heard that papaya seeds work very well. I have posted questions about it on this forum and received a couple of responses. Search the forum and you’ll find them! This site keeps kicking me off or I would do it for you.

  • kminty3kminty3 Raw Newbie

    try a colonic! I was really nervous about doing it but I did my first one and although it’s uncomfortable and at times mortifying, when it was over I was really really glad I did it.. seemed to work as advertised!

  • amysueamysue Raw Newbie

    I’m using Colosan right now, it’s an oxygen cleanse I found on Matt Monarch’s site… I decided to try it since he’s so into colon cleansing. I’ve tried other psyllium type cleanses and this seems a bit more thorough. He also sells a four quart enema bag if you want to try colon hydrotherapy. It’s a step up from the 2 qt bags and not nearly as expensive as a 6 qt. I’m sure a colonic is preferable but I was also on a budget.

  • Save your money and just do a salt water flush if you feel the need to cleanse. It works well and only cost pennies per cleanse! Put 1 heaping tablespoon of sea salt in 1 quart warm water and mix well. Drink the whole quart (if you can’t manage that, just drink a pint). Stay near a toilet for the next few hours. Google salt water flush. There’s plenty of information on it. Happy cleansing!

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    blackberries. :-)

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