Have any of you used Colloidal Gold? I just started using it a few days ago and, WOW!!!!!! It’s really amazing! It opens up all of this creative energy and fosters the most amazing sense of well-being. I have such a different energy the past few days. And the nice thing is, it’s not a false energy like you would get from something like caffeine but, it’s like a zen, focused, peaceful, creative energy. Anyway, it’s really awesome. I’ve gotten so many things done the past two days, I’m just amazed.
If anyone is interested in trying it, let me know. I get it at a discount. :) Or you can check it out on my website. Not to sound like an advertisement or anything, I was really just wondering what others have experienced with it. It came in a start-up package so I tried it without really reading too much about it prior (I wanted to avoid a power-of-suggestion phenomena). Anyway, let me know what you think.
What is Colloidal Gold? Does it have medicinal value or is it some kind of mineral? I hear about it sometimes and never have known what exactly it is
Hey Trouble! ;D The company I get it from can better explain it, honestly. I’m JUST staring to learn about it myself. Here is a clip about it: Certain rare trace elements like gold and other platinum group metals are being studied for their ability to nutritionally support higher potentials of mental, emotional, and physical well-being.* Some minerals are very specific in their action and others like gold are very broad-spectrum and seem to effect the entire mind-body complex in a very positive ways.* Due to mineral depletion of the soil and the habits of modern man we have far less of many crucial rare trace minerals and nutrients in our food chain. The body needs a full-spectrum of trace minerals and nutrients to experience peak mental, emotional, and physical states of well-being.