NutriDiary: Have questions

I just started an account today on NutriDiary. I have questions about the caloric intake. It states that I need 3,300 calories a day. I don’t find that hard to believe with my activity level, it’s just a lot of calories. I want to live a long, beautiful life. Research on low calorie intake is the only true research that shows longevity. I’m 6’1 150lbs, and am at a perfect weight for myself. If I don’t eat these calories am I going to keep getting skinnier and skinnier? I don’t feel like I need that many calories to survive. Is there anyone with good knowledge on this topic?

Thanks people!

Live, Love, Peace


  • as far as i know, there have been ZERO longevity studies conducted on raw-fooders…..makes sense , seeing as it is still a relatively new movement (at least on this scale)

    if we believe that eating cooked food is toxic then it makes absolute sense that eating less of it will result in a longer life

    i can’t tell your age from your photo (obviously) lol :o) but i think that the calculation may be a little high

    from your profile age and your height and weight i get a calculation of approx 1790 bmr…this is before activity…..if you are really burning an extra 1500 cals a day then all power to ya….i truly believe that your needs may best be served by the 80/10/10 diet

    have a read…if it makes sense, try it..

  • Hey el-bo. I think I was 4 in that picture. It was the only one I could load on the site! Haha.

    I actually am going head first into the 80/10/10. I just got the Doc’s book, and I was curious to what my diet consisted of (caloric ratio). I normally eat a large part of fruits, it’s what my body craves.

    A nutritionist put me on a high calorie diet, actually the same calories that nutridiary suggested. I lasted a day and a half then quit. The diet he put me on mostly consisted of raw oils, nuts, butters, avocados, bread, little fruit. It didn’t feel natural so I stopped. It made me tired, less energetic, groggy, and it made my acne come back (which had went away when I was eating the way I felt was correct. I was just eating way too much greens so I was getting full, and not getting the calories).

    I really appreciate your help and support. I’ll be sure to keep in touch with you, as I’ve noticed you are a big advocator for the 811rv. Thanks man!

    Live, Love Peace

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