
Do you have to sprout flax, sesame, and sunflower seeds before eating?

These are the seeds I just bought and I am not quite sure what to do with them… or rather, I have plans for them, I am just not sure if I need to sprout/soak them!

Thanks for your help… today is my first day raw! Coinciding with the first day of school, its really interesting.


  • iknikn

    Hi rawpresinger, I sprout the sunflower seeds. I usually start it in the eveining when I get home from work. I soak them for a few hours, rinse them well several times, than place them in a jar and just leave them there overnight. They will grow small little tails. It is easier to digest if they are spouted.

    Flaxseeds: I soak them for an hour or so. it becomes gel like. I don’t sprout them.

    I can’t tell anything about sesame seeds, I rarely use them. But as with all nuts and seeds it is easier on our digestive system if they are soaked.

    hope this helps. Good luck!

  • Thanks!

  • Yes, you can sprout sesame seeds too. Pretty much the same method for sprouting other nuts/seeds, will work with sesame too.

  • I would love some advice on sprouting garbanzo beans! I have tried twice now and failed miserably. I haven’t had a problem with any of my other sprouting, and I generally have a green thumb… But not with this, at least not yet! I am in dire need of hummus…usually I just break down and use canned garbanzo beans but I am really trying to be 90-100% raw vegan (I’ve been about 75% raw for 3 weeks now). Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated! As a side note, does raw tahini go bad quickly once opened? I opened my jar the other day and it was horribly bitter? Quite a shock since I am accustomed to tahini lasting forever in my fridge!


  • @ VeggiePrincess – I actually have found it very easy to sprout garbanzos. But sometimes I do accidently get a dead batch of beans, grains, whatever, from the grocery store. My last big purchase of barley was all dead, never sprouted. At least I think that’s what the problem was because I’ve sprouted barley before no problem. Maybe the store you are buying from doesn’t replenish its stock frequently enough on garbanzos and it’s not fresh?

  • Hi Cherre,

    They start to sprout…then they get REALLY funny smelling…and taste bitter and BAD. Usually only about half to 3/4 of them sprout (probably a replenishing issue). Thanks!!


  • My experience with sprouting chic peas (I live and work in Ethiopia, so some peas on the shelf that you buy can be quite old…) is that I need to rince them often in lots of water and pick through them daily, once the sprouting has started for ones that are “dead” and thus rotting rather than sprouting. If I keep up with that the bad smell goes away and the sprouts are fine and good in hummous!

  • clr-1976clr-1976 Raw Newbie

    Hey guys,

    I have a 3 tiered sprouter and a sprout jar but am failing on both!

    I’ve been trying to sprout alfalfa & Red Clover but have now given up!

    - with the tiered one they smelled funny (and I think are too small to sort through) and kept falling through the holes when I watered them.

    - The jar – got maggots!!! It has the tiniest holes in the top I dont get it!

    I can sprout Sunflower, hemp & chickpeas no prob on a plate but red clover and alfalfa? I Give up!

    Any Advice?

  • Blue_EyesBlue_Eyes Raw Master

    clr-1976 I know what you mean, I started out with a pickle jar with a nylon kneehi over it. then I got the jar with the holes in the lid and the fruit nats would get in it. After throwing so many away I now use the kneehigh and the jar together and that works really good.You can get the nylons in boxes of ten pairs here and so that is 20 jars i have been throwing them out afterwards but I guess you could wash and use again.

    Does anyone else have a problem with fruit nats? As soon as nice weather came I am constantly fighting them. I keep most everything in the refrigerator except the bananas.

  • clr-1976clr-1976 Raw Newbie

    Are they the teeny tiny flies??

    Theyre everywhere! I have to be really careful too and make sure there’s nothing around as they seem to bring in armies!

    I have fly guards if I leave anything out, I specially bought one with tiny holes as theyre so small, I think that is what must have got in the sprouter. the kneehigh is a great idea, I think I’ll try that over the top.

    Do these fly’s like herbs too? I keep having to put herbs outside rather than the kitchen window.

    Should I put all fruit in the fridge too, even if not open/ok?

    Thanks for the enlightenment!

    P.S Your piccy is so cute – he looks a little like my Sammy!

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