Question about leafy greens and smoothies

I attempted to make a green type smoothie this morning using spinich and found the spinich to be very overpowering ( I am new to this whole thing obviously) Is there another green out there that I could use that is a bit more subtle? Thanks


  • heyenglishheyenglish Raw Newbie

    Spinach is actually one of the more mild greens, just like romaine or baby greens. It’ll take you a little while to get used to the flavor, so just make sure to use more fruit and less greens to begin with. You can always use a squirt of agave or a couple of dates to add more sweetness, and play with spices like cinnamon or mint to add some flavor. (I looooove fresh mint in my smoothies – they become all zingy.) Bananas and mangoes add a wonderful creamy texture too.

    You’ll find after a while that your body craves the greens, and before you know it, you’ll be using more greens than fruit.

  • Spinach is quite mild. Maybe try spinach and orange (juice) and strawberry, or spinach and ripe pear and raspberry. Also, start with less greens and work your way up. By less, I mean like 1/2 cup greens.

    Or, peel a cucumber and try that instead of greens to start with. You don’t have to peel if your blender is very powerful.

    I think a good starter, besides the spinach mixes above, is avocado/apple/cucumber and gogi berries.

    Good luck finding something to get you going. Green smoothies are WONDERFUL for your health and I truly enjoy mine. Today I had red cabbage, pear, raspberry and chia with a big scoop of Vitamineral Green for good measure.

  • Looks like I just need to add more stuff, thanks for the great information :)

  • springleafspringleaf Raw Newbie

    I am new to green juices as well, but I made this one “tangy green juice (in the recipe section)” this evening and liked it. I only had the middle of the celery left, i guess about 1 and a half stalks, and next time I make it O may add another apple, so sweeten it up[ a little more. For me the lime juice helps to cut through the taste of the greens.

  • steviostevio Raw Newbie

    I think 2 bananas go a long way to hiding the greens flavor. For breakfast this morning I had kale, banana, and blueberry. For lunch I had onion, celery, tomato and avacado. Both were quite yummy!

  • Branwyn32Branwyn32 Raw Newbie

    I just made my first green smoothie today with spinach, and it was great! You just have to use some really sweet, flavourful fruit, like berries. I used about 3 cups spinach, 1 cup water (blend those to liquid first, I think this was really crucial to even out the flavour, THEN add fruit), a banana, about a 1/2 blueberries, and about 4 strawberries. The berries were frozen and I added a few ice cubes…I think the cold brings out the sweetness. I added maybe a tsp of honey but it didn’t really need it…it was already very sweet. The recipe is in the recipe section under “Beginner’s Green Smoothie.”

    I used baby spinach too, which may have a milder flavour than regular spinach, I’m not sure.

  • I’m going to have to try the beginner’s smoothie tomarrow, as for the one today, added some lime juice and it’s great. Funny thing happened though. Had a little ledt in my glass and my 2 y.o daughter came up and drank it all. Looks like i have a smoothie buddy now -

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