I made an automatic sprouter

RawbogeyRawbogey Raw Newbie

Hi all! I thought I’d share this with you. After reading one of those mother earth mags, I found a simple plan and made an automatic sprouter, that works fantastic. Basically I made a wood box about four feet tall. Then I built wood frames that would fit inside it. The wood frames have plastic door screen stapled on the bottom. Then I put three rows of slats on the sides to hold the three frames. Then I had to build a shelf above the frames to hold the water pan, which is a pan with to holes drilled slightly off center with a weight protruding from the back. The pan is mounted to a wire frame I made, and that assembly sits on the upper shelf which is a bigger pan drilled with tons of holes. Then I took a five gallon bucket drilled a hole in it and the top of the box, placed the bucket on top of the box, and mounted a small brass spigot to the bottom of the bucket. What happens is this, you spread your alfalfa seeds or whatever on the screens. The you fill the bucket with water, and turn the valve on the spigot to a slow drip. When the water pan reaches the desired level, the weight causes the pan to spill. the water drips onto the lower pan with the holes, and successively drips down onto and through the screened frames into a bottom pan with a drain.

This thing works fantastic, and I have more sprouts than I can eat!!!!


  • Pictures? Sounds cool.

  • RawbogeyRawbogey Raw Newbie

    My camera is shot, and I need to buy a new one. the phone camera I have is crummy too. They didn\’t even sent the ethernet cable with it to download any pictures. Anything else would be a hassle. I\’ll see if I can find the plans online.

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