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birth control- IUD/IUC



  • beanbean Raw Newbie

    I’ve actually got a doctor’s appointment for an IUD tomorrow, so wish me luck! I hope it won’t hurt too badly- I’m quite young (well, kinda- I’m 19, but I haven’t had “the experience,” if you catch my drift) and terribly unfortunately, I am not on my period- it’s supposed to make it easier, but it’s not completely necessary. Actually, I haven’t had my period for a while, but the doctor explained that it won’t make much difference with the IUD, as long as I keep trying to get my period back for other health reasons- more protein, etc, I suppose- I’m not quite sure how to go about getting one’s period back… I might post that on another thread, though, I’ve seen one or two. Anyway, holds breath hope it goes ok!

  • FruginiFrugini Raw Newbie

    Hey bean,

    this is such a coincidence because I actually made an appointment today to get an IUD next Friday. I’m getting the Mirena, because I am anemic (feritin count 3.3) and the dr said the non-hormone one makes you bleed a lot more. I am also 19 and very nervous! Let me know how it goes! Good wishes for you.

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    interesting—bean and lindsaylou—your doctor is cool with you getting an IUD even if you’ve never been pregnant?

    and bean, why would you need one if you aren’t “active”?

  • FruginiFrugini Raw Newbie

    Yes, she said that the thing about needing to be pregnant is a myth. My appointment is on Friday though and I’m getting scared. I’m really afraid that this thing will mess up my body and I’m just recovering from the pill and don’t need that. The dr. seemed so confident about it…but then what does she know about me?

  • beanbean Raw Newbie

    I’m back- an interesting experience, that was. Went rather well, but I was a bit crampy for a while- all gone now, though! lindsaylou, if anyone would’ve been told not to get one, I would have thought it would be me- I missed having my period for a ridiculously long time (which doctors see as a sign of something horrible), I’m a virgin, and I’ve never been pregnant. I would have thought all those things would’ve singled me out, but the doctor told me the period issue wouldn’t have any effect on it- if anything, since a copper IUD tends to increase flow, there might be a chance it would come back. This is actually what happened, by the way- most women experience a bit of spotting right afterwards, and then a heavy period- so far so good, and I’m hoping I continue having my period regularly… I know some people think it’s ok not to bleed, I like being connected with that bit of femininity. Anyways, since you’re having the mirena, lindsaylou, I’m sure you know more about it than me, but the doctor mentioned to me that the hormones from it are of a kind that only impact your … uterus, I think it was. The nether regions, in any case- they’re not the kind that could mess up the rest of your body. I don’t think there is any way this could “mess up your body”- generally birth control pills have stronger, “messier” hormones than anything else, so I think this would just be an improvement. Plus, look on the bright side- it’s totally reversible. Are you worried at all about the actual procedure? I can shed some light on the experience for you, if you like.

    pianissima- I wanted an IUD because even though I’m inactive right now, I’d like to remedy that worry-free when the time comes.

  • springleafspringleaf Raw Newbie

    Durianrider You have such a cool way of looking at fertility, unfortunatly many men have a misplaced fear of having their balls messed with! and fear a “loss of manhood”. I wish more men had your opinion on this one!

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    thanks durianrider. this is what i will suggest to my next bf. i’ll be QUITE the catch now: doesn’t drink, eats only raw produce, and mandates you get a vasectomy before we start having sex. “other than that she’s pretty low maintenance.” ;)

    bean—thanks for the description. my, you are prepared, aren’t you.

  • FruginiFrugini Raw Newbie

    durianrider I do want to adopt, but I also want the experience of having a child with my partner. I think that guys who get vasectomies are really brave, however.

    Beany- I am terrified of the procedure. I’ve always been scared of doctors and a slightly traumatic experience when I was a little girl left me scared of my own sex organs. I’m mostly over that now but when I went to get my first pap test last year I was freaked out for days afterward. And it hurt for that long too! I decided to get the mirena because I have always been anemic and losing more blood is probably not a good option for me.

    I know that the mirena will have waaay less hormones than the pill and works in a totally different way…that’s why I chose it. I was just reading some posts online about it and women were complaining about gaining weight, getting depressed, mood swings, all the things I am trying to avoid. I guess most people who post are the unhappy ones, but now my mother has read those and is getting all worried. being fertile is so complicated!

  • beanbean Raw Newbie

    pianissima, your post cracked me up- can you imagine THAT on the first date? Hee. lindsaylou, did you mean me? I think there’s someone else on here named beany… anyway, I’m sorry you’ve had such terrible experience with that kind of thing! I’m sending you hugs and well-wishes via. my laptop. The procedure was ok- I’m not going to lie, it did hurt, but the actual pain was just like having bad menstrual cramps. It was over pretty quick, too- would’ve been over sooner, but I needed “adjustment”... eep… other than that though, it wasn’t too stressful. The doctor was very reassuring about it, and quite kind about keeping me comfortable. I think it’s similar to a pap test, they just… leave something in there when they check you out. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, just be prepared for some crampy feelings (other than that, I didn’t feel too much.) Good luck! hugs You’ll do fine!

  • FruginiFrugini Raw Newbie

    So when I got to the clinic today the lady at the desk said that my doctor had called in sick and they were about to call me! She cant see me until Thursday…so I have another week of waiting!

  • do those neem oil things work? my guy is bugging me about getting on some type of BC but i just cant do the hormone thing again. Id get an IUD but ive never been pregnant so i know its tough to get one. What else works for people? Seriously they need a pill for men- let him pump his body full of synthetic hormones, he doesnt care and i do.

  • I had an IUD inserted last week. It didn't work out for me..not to mention I literally passed out WHILE she was placing it. I thought it hurt like hell...and I usually tolerate pain extremely well

    Anyway, it partially expelled within a day and I had to have it removed. Boo.

    Just wrote a three page letter to my doctor outlining why I should be considered for a tubal ligation. *fingers crossed*

  • greenwoodgreenwood Raw Newbie

    "I think it just takes a couple of seconds. Though I have known a few women who got so frustrated they just pulled them out themselves, that is not exactly

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