Hi Everyone! I’ve been away because I’m currently practicing simple RAW again with an emphasis on whole food meditation. I do this when I feel I need more grounding and stability around food and the psychology of eating. This really helps in my recovery process. Therefore, I’m not practicing much food art and more resistent to browse recipes to avoid any potential triggers. I did peek a few new ones tonight though! Tisk! I have missed you all though and had to drop by and say hi.
I was wondering who else is currently practicing or practices SIMPLE RAW? By SIMPLE RAW I mean eating very simple raw foods, maybe only one to a few at a time. I was also curious who else practices whole food medittion? I really love doing this with heirloom tomatoes right now. I will sit and observe them… their nourishing offerings, their essence of beauty and being… and eat them slowly and mindfully like how one would eat an apple. It helps me appreciate the fruit itself more without having to alter it to enjoy it. I even appreciate the juicy mess! It may be the funnest part other than the delish flavor. Fushcia fleshed dragon fruit are by far the prettiest thing ever right now for me to do fruit meditation with. I could sit there forever and scoop the beautiful dripping hot-pink flesh like ice cream. Mmmm
Sorry this is starting to sound like a journal entry. Hugs my friends and lots of cold coconut slushes!
Pink TuTu Twirls, Johnny
I definitely practice simple raw and it’s not on purpose I don’t think. I usually just eat one piece of fruit at a time and there’s generally more than an hour before I have another. I sort of avoid rich recipes because I can’t really handle them and whenever I am not simple it’s when I eat a salad with four ingredients. haha. I love it. It keeps my mind free and my body happy:)
I like your post…..journal entries and intriguing to everyone.
Most of the days I do eat very simply. a few pieces of fruit, a salad. My salads are very simple too, maybe a tomato with cucummber and some olive oil. The most “complicated” recipe that i’ve been making lately is zucchini spaghetti with tamoto sauce – maybe once a week. But I noticed that the closer we get to full Moon I am more hungry. Then I am making all sorts of goodies from this site.
Missed you Johnny, glad you’re back!
I am usually simple until dinner. It keeps me on track better, and I adore the sensations of food and all it offers, how it smells, the way it feels oh the joy! (I am such a dork) But I’ve missed you as well!
RawDance! You were on my heart yesterday. So glad to see you. You are so valuable and a gift to people. : ) One of your gifts is that you do not take things for granted and you inspire others in that.
In response to being meditative, I love to eat and be thankful to The Creator for what He has done and made. When I eat, I’m thankful that I have 5 senses to enjoy my food. I’m thankful I have a properly functioning system in order to partake of the nutrients in the things I eat to give strength and healing to my body. My husband was telling me the other day that there is even a Hebrew prayer about being thankful for digestion, because we acknowledge how fragile we are and the complexities of our digestive system.
Seasonal eating is wonderful too! I just bought what may be my last watermelon of the season and I plan to make a gazpacho with it – the lime, ginger and cilantro in it – it’s still simple, but yet all those very different flavors and scents coming together in perfect harmony – I love it. It’s kind of like people -many are different but put them together and the diversity just works out beautifully TOGETHER.
Talking about total seasonal simplicity: Fresh and juicy Organic honeycrisp apples and pomegranites are becoming abundant at the market – those juicy little seeds in the pom are like explosions of Sunshiney Fall…
Ohh Mammamilk, I gotto go and buy some pommegranite after your post! I LOVE THEM!!!
Me too! I saw them for the first time at my supermarket this week! I can’t wait to partake!
Love to all of you.
Mammamilk, I practice these things as well… sometimes it’s nice to sit in the dirt and eat too, like in my garden or a nice sunny spot outside. Do you have the Hebrew prayer you wrote about? I would love to read it!
I’ll ask my husband if he has it somewhere. ; ) I love the dirt…
Here it is:
Blessed is He who has formed man in wisdom and created in him many orifices and many cavities. It is obvious and known before Your throne of glory that if one of them were to be ruptured or one of them blocked, it would be impossible for a man to survive and stand before You. Blessed are You that heals all flesh and does wonders.
I eat simple during the garden season. I just do not have the time to do other wise. Sadly I am an organize/list type person. So just picking up food and eat causes me to over eat and gain weight. During the winter I can plan my menus. Getting rid of fat I gained, plus more. Because I can bring my personality into my foods I am than at peace with myself.
Right now, simple works best for me too.
Lately I’ve been loving eating whatever I get fresh from the garden – handfuls of raspberries (those don’t make it into the house!), fresh peas, bowlfuls of yellow pear tomatoes – yum! I love your food meditating idea! I do garden meditating – enjoying the abundance of life and joy growing all around me and then partaking gratefully of the abundance and giving back to the earth (with compost, etc.), and I am completely satisfied.
Hi Johnny,
I definately am Simple Raw. Mostly wih fruit. It’s just so easy for me to grab a piece of fruit and stuff it in my bag to go off to work than to stay up all night preparing a raw gourmet meal (Which I’d love to do if I had more time). It’s just easier for me. I am so busy and dont have the time. So Simple Raw works best for me. It’s much easier on my tummy too.
I was interested on what you said on Whole Food Meditation. I guess I have been practicing this for a while, but I never knew it had a name. I’ll sort of just stare at the food and appreciate the look of it before I eat it. Then I think if all the health benefits and the life force that exists inside the fruit. Then, as I eat it (slowly) I’ll try to picture the nutrients going to work on my body. I guess it’s sort of like my way of thanking the food for giving me nourishment. This is going to sound kind of creepy, but I get chills when I do this. A happy chill. Kind of hard to explain. But feels nice. I only do it when I am alone. If anyone saw me doing it they’d think I was nuts.
Hi Johnny, I was so glad to see you posted this! I think simple raw is going to work best for me right now too. Tonight I pretty much had a breakdown. I cried for two hours about nothing, or so I thought. Then I realized it was because I was feeling so overwhelmed, mostly with food. I am new to raw, and I am constantly thinking about food or planning what to eat. As I’ve mentioned before, I have a history of eating disorders, and that is a dangerous place for me to be. So I think I need to get back to the basics in order to not be triggered into old habits. Thanks for posting this. It helps a lot right now!
I do eat simply in the summer but in the Autumn like more heary filling food but I still try not to mix things up too much.
Truly-this IS the most healing. I recently read from Ani Phyo’s book where she really advocates eating the whole fruit vs. blending many (in the case of the orange). “Nature’s perfect; she packages the perfect ratio of fiber to sugar in an orange. She never intended for us to strip away the fiber to take in all that sugar at once as a juice. It’s the fiber that time releases sugar into our bloodstream.” A nice testimony to the whole fruit. Thank you, Ani.