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Take the bottom of the sheet and push the cracker up. Should do the trick.
Ah, I will go try that now :) thank you!
It might not work out this time. :( Try parchment paper next time. You can get unbleached at health food stores, if you want.
This time, use a spatula to try to separate the crackers from the pan. Salvage as much as you can.
Superfood – well, the crumbs taste wonderful! I think I will use them anyway, and I’m definitely going to look for that paper. Does it sit on a baking sheet, or by itself in the woven/dehydrator?
Edit: I see that even Reynolds brand makes it, I should be able to find some easily. Thanks again!
Another option… score/cut the dough into cracker size then work with a spatula to lift off the cracker size pieces and flip. This will give your smaller amounts to “destick” at a time and a better chance of getting the size you want in the end. If this doesn’t work… you have some croutons or cracker crunchies to sprinkle on stuff.
... just had another idea… try using “extreme” temperature to “help” in unsticking the crackers. I’m not sure which might work. Try icing down the bottom of the pan then try to ply them off. For another try, have a bowl of hot water next to the pan. You can either run a section of the pan over the hot water (or a burner on the stove) to warm up an area and then try plying off crackers in the warmed area. Or, dip a spatula in the hot water, dry it off quickly, then ply away. Repeat the spatula “jacuzzi” treatment when the spatula cools off. I’m not sure if this is clear… but I hope you get the idea. :)