Raw Vegans vs Raw vegans; Natural Hygienest vs. Natural Hygienist

Hello everybody! I have been on the search for ultimate health. Researching as much as possible. I’ve been 100%raw for almost 3 months now, High Fruit/ Low fat for almost 2, Natural Hygiene for almost 1, living for almost 21yrs :).

I have recently decided to experiment in my intake of foods. I refuse putting processed ingredients back into my body, but I want to experience what works best for me. I’m sure other people out there agree.

It’s just really really really tough doing this, since no matter what you look at has a counter part. For some time now, I’ve been reading on Natural Hygienist the pro’s and the cons. I decided the pro’s seemed to make more sense to me. Untill recently, I never doubted Natural Hygiene. I actually still don’t. There is no reason to doubt a way that our species was suppose to live. My one problem is, there are so many sides to “how our species were designed” its not even the littlest bit amusing! It is very frusturating. One diet claims the other to be lacking in nutrients, where as another diet claims the other to be packed full of undigestable toxins!

Sometimes I feel like just giving up, which I’m not going to. But still, it’s just tough when there is so much information out there disproving the other way of life!!! Even when you look for hard facts of how people are living there life, they still seem to differ. I agree, everyone’s genetic make up is different. But, that doesn’t mean that everyone was designed to survive a different way. Look outside, all animals, beside us and captive/domesticated animals, seem to be living the way there species were designed! Where did we go wrong?

P.s. Sorry about the ramble, just had a lot on my mind and sometimes you beautiful people are the only ones that will listen! Thanks


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I think that the way our species was “designed” to live isn’t always possible, even if there IS just one way! Depleted soils mean we have to eat five apples to get the nutrition our ancestors got from one apple, so we can juice to get more nutrition and someone will come along and say that if we were “designed” to just drink the juice, our mouths would come with strainers, or some such nonsense. I don’t think there is one perfect thing for us to do now, partly because we are different genetically, partly because we live in different climates/environments/etc. and partly because the world is no longer the way IT was desinged. I know it can be frustrating and discouraging, but I have to look at what WORKS instead of what was originally DESIGNED to work, and make the choices that are best IN MY CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCE. I can only do the best I can with what I have, now and for the future; I can’t change what has happened, but I can change my life based on what has happened, and cause things to happen the best way I know how. No one & nothing is perfect – it’s part of mortality & life on the planet earth :)

  • Hey treeoflife, Cool name by the way. I know what you mean, once you research raw food you think, “wow, finding the right foods for me really shouldn’t be this hard…I mean there’s animanls out there that only eat ONE particular thing for their entire life and they thrive!” Yeah we are all different. Different genes, and we’re all at different stages in our life physically, mentally, spiritually and I think that affects what appeals to us nutritionally. And since raw food is a ‘new’ concept to the majority of people, I don’t think that there’s one way to eat for everyone as we all must do our own research and experimentation to find what works for us for each new moment in our life. So natural higiene is working for you? I thinks that’s great. I encourage you to keep researching since you said you sometimes feel like giving up and learning from others experiences can help you feel more sure of your own decision. I work with someone who eats that way and he seems to thrive on it. I say ‘seems to’ since I only just met him and don’t really know the guy. And ramble away any time! The forums on this site are awesome and I love reading what’s on peoples minds!

  • Just wanted to say that I agree to what angie said. I think dwelling too much on past circumstances can make it harder to clearly see the present ones.

  • vegan2rawvegan2raw Raw Newbie

    Those are some big claims your making Durainrider. Some of them I could beleve but Brian Clement? I wanna know where you get your info. . .

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Maybe for Brian, they are. Again, I think it goes back to what works for the individual.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Good point angie. We have to do what works for our own bodies. If at some point I feel that cooked starches worked for my body, I will eat them.

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