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Tea&Coffee, What About Them?



  • ladydaventryladydaventry Raw Newbie

    I have managed to switch black tea for green tea and I love lemon and ginger tea. I got some in Jamaica and the bag is just full of lemon peel and big chunks of dried ginger. So warming! Coffee and I have a fantastic relationship, I used to be a barista (glug glug glug all day long!) I usually have one or two cups a day. I am with bluebells though, I always have my warm drinks alone either way before or after I have eaten.

  • seaweedseaweed Raw Newbie

    I never liked coffee...but tea is something I couldn't live without. I live in the NW and there isn't much sun to do solar infusions; but the truth is, boiling herbs and using very hot water is the best way to extract the medicinal properties of plants and roots besides oil and alcohol extractions.

  • maryssamaryssa Raw Newbie

    1sweetpea and rawkidchef - I know your posts are from a while ago, but kombucha is very easy! You basically take brew a gallon of green or black tea (or oolong, it just needs caffeine), add sugar (I use organic cane), and then add the culture. You can put it in your oven with the light on, and after a week you have kombucha! If you want more details or a bit of the culture, let me know. If you're interested I'll give you my email address. Ciao!

  • beanybeeganbeanybeegan Raw Newbie

    I think if every one is serious about what they put into their body they need to do a study on coffee, black tea/green tea, and decaffeinated coffee and tea.

    Thankfully, I could never drink coffee, but tea had been my warm drink. After doing a study on the subject. I can definitely say, I wouldn't touch any of it with a 10 foot pole.

    Nothing like good water. yum

  • I will never give up tea. It is rich in antioxidants. Besides, I enjoy it. I want to enjoy my life here on earth, and tea is one of the simple pleasures I enjoy. I don't drink it when I am eating anything raw though as the heat of it may destroy the enzymes in the food I have just ate.

  • Roma is roasted chickery.It's not raw,but better than regular coffee.It doesn't contain caffiene and doesn't drain your energy.

    But I'd like to know the raw food versions.

    I switched to organic 6 years ago,but would like to research raw food only lifestyle.We're in a bit of a financial crisis this month changing jobs!

    Next month(march) will be good.

    I've actually had to eat the processed food that's really crappy,but at least I'm eating. I feel horrible(except for weight lifting that makes me feel good).

    So............What is a few books to start with for next month,when I can buy some whole foods!!!!!!!!! Fruits,veges,nuts,seeds,grains.I miss them

    so much.

    I want to research raw food lifestyle.........I have a gourmet taste and also a sweet tooth.I love almost all foods.

    Please suggest books with pics and great variety of raw,fresh food recipes and maybe a few of your resources(online mostly).

    Thanks in advance!! I'm looking on amazon reader,but don't have a fancy food dehydrator or processer right now(wally?) for the recipes there I've seen!!

    Also can you tell me what you might eat in a typical day?Like to know.

  • Hi Maryssa, regarding making kombucha, how do you get/make culture? It'd be nice if you'd post it here... :)

  • superfood2superfood2 Raw Newbie

    I don't like how coffee or espresso make my pee smell! Plus I like lattes, and soymilk is heated, so that's two non-raw items, one with more calories. So when I'm 99% raw, I just do tea.

    I've had two ocassions since being raw where my stomach was upset from food poisoning or flu-like symptoms for a while, and then I ate some cooked (obviously vegan) food, and as I transition back to raw, I'll drink a decaf soy latte or something, but you can still tell there's caffeine in it. I try to go back raw gradually, a couple of days, after those sick periods, to make sure I stick with it again.

    But maybe in the future if I get stomach upset I just won't eat if nothing raw sounds good. I'm still working with that one. Because I don't want to have to detox twice a year or once a year AGAIN because I ate cooked for a couple days.

  • superfood2superfood2 Raw Newbie

    Oh, I wanted to add that there's at least 4 fair-trade coffee shops within walking distance of my apartment. Fair-trade/organic is more popular right here than Starbucks, which is really cool. Not that it helps us raw foodies out much, but just sayin', it lightens my day!

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